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No. Pokemon Crystal does not even fit for the regular DS. So it shows how outdated it is. Pokemon Crystal can fit in Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance.

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Q: Can you get Pokemon Crystal on the dsi?
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I don't know,but my Pokemon platinum works fine on my dsi.

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Where can you get a Pokemon game for your DSi?

any ds Pokemon game will work on dsi as long as it was purchased in the same country

Where can you play Pokemon games?

What are you talking about? Pokemon games are played in Nintendo DS' or Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL. The games avalible are Pokemon Heartgold, Pokemon Soulsilver, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Dimond, these games are played on the Nintendo DSi, DS, and Nintendo DSi XL. You can also play games online, Play on the official site,

What is HM08 in Pokemon Crystal?

There is no HM08 in Pokemon Crystal. Pokemon Crystal has only 7 HMs that are available to use.

What Pokemon games are meant only to be played on the DSi?

The DSi does not have a Gameboy advance slot so you cannot play Gameboy advance Pokemon games. All other Pokemon games that can be played on the regular DS or DS lite can be played on the DSi. There are no Pokemon games that utilize the DSi's camera function as of yet.

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yes, you can

Will Pokemon Black and White Support WPA?

yes if you have a DSi or DSi XL.

Where can you find dark pulse in Pokemon crystal?

In Pokemon Crystal.

What are the levels of the third gym leader in Pokemon liquid crystal?

liquid crystal? do you mean Pokemon crystal if its Pokemon crystal the levels are 19 20 and 23