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Getting Celebi in Pokemon Crystal and Silver

You can't without GameShark.

In past days, you would take your Pokemon Silver/Gold to poke events and they would give it to you. Then with Crystal (only in Japan) it was "released". What they did was set up a connection between a mobile phone and the game, and you recieived the "GS Ball", you'd then talk to Kurt whom triggers the "Celebi Event" in the game, he'll leave his house, talk to him outside, then head into the forest, use cut to continue on and examine the Shrine. A girl will be to your left, talk to her, examine the shrine again and use the gs ball when prompted. Thus Celebi will fly down and battle you, but like i said this occurs ONLY when you have a GS Ball and that's not an item you can get without hacking.

YouTube proves it and its the real deal answer. =( sadly...

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Q: Can you get Celebi in Pokemon Crystal and Silver?
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How do you find Celebi in gold version?

Celebi does not appear in the gold or silver games, however he does appear in Pokemon crystal.

What game is Celebi in?

Pokemon Gold Silver Crystal Sapphire Ruby FireRed LeafGreen Emerald Diamond Pearl But there is no real way to get Celebi without cheating

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Well, you can only get Celebi in events.But Celebi is in any Pokemon game that includes 2nd Generation Pokemon.So like Firered, Leafgreen, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Soulsilver, Heartgold, & possibly the new games that are yet to come out.

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Do you mean Celebi? Celebi is only availble in Pokemon Crystal and Colosseum.

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You can trade your Pokemon for a celebi.

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you can get celebi from a Pokemon silver event

How do you get Celebi on Pokemon Silver?

that is impossible. Pokemon silver was made in 2001 and they did not have the movie with celebi in it until like 2005 from 2009

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The legendary forest Pokemon would most likely be Celebi. As well as being the time-travelling Pokemon, Celebi is also a protector of the forest - most notably Ilex Forest (in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal). No other legendary Pokemon is linked to any forest in such a way, so Celebi would have to be it.

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Pokemon Silver Celebi?

You actually can't get celebi in pokemon silver unless you are a queer and use GameShark or some other cheat majigger.

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What is the gauardian of Ilex forest in Pokemon Crystal?

That would be Celebi.