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You can only unlock Celebi in Pokémon Crystal through a cheating device or via Nintendo events however events are no longer held for Pokémon Crystal.

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Q: How do you unlock Celebi in Pokemon Crystal version?
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Is Pokemon Crystal version compatible with Pokemon Stadium 2?

Yes it is in fact inserting the game will unlock extra features in Earl's Academy.

Do you have to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Stadium 2?

It's not possible to capture Pokemon so no. You can unlock pokemon like Mew and Celebi.

When is the Celebi event?

The celebi even in North America will progress from Feb 29. through March 6. It is only accessible in Pokemon diamond,pearl, and platinum, heartgold orsoulsilver.This event has a couple of cool scenarios you can discover when you get celebi.If you bring Celebi into your Pokemon Heartgold or Soulsilver Version, you can use it to engage in a classic confrontation. take Celebi to the Ilex Forest to travel back in time and fight the team rocket boss giovanni. plus, if you transfer celebi to your Pokemon Black or White Version, you'll unlock the opportunity to catch Zorua. This offer is really cool so get while you can!

Catch Celebi in Pokemon Emerald?

Catching Celebi in PokemonTo get CELEBI in CRYSTAL VERSION I heard that you have to catch all 26 different UNOWN. Then Put the following UNOWN in you party in this order(From top to bottom). UNOWN C, UNOWN E, UNOWN L, UNOWN E, UNWON B, and UNOWN I. Then go to the shrine in ILEX FOREST and click on it. NOTE: This might not work because it says you need two UNOWN E.

Is there a wonder mail code for celebi on Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team?

No, but there are to unlock Pokemon only appearing on Red Version. Just type it in at google and click on the first or second choice. Sorry!! I hope it helped!!

How do you unlock the cale club in the origonal red version of Pokemon?

the question was ~How do you unlock the cable club in the origonal red version of pokemon~ sorry spelled wrong

I have a regular Celebi and not the event one. Can I trade this Celebi onto Pokemon White and unlock Zorua event?

No. You MUST have the "Fateful encounter" Celebi from the current Gamestop event. (or download it next week when it is put on the wifi download.)

What pokeball do you need to unlock Celebi in Pokemon heart gold?

Migrate Celebi, go to Ilex forest cut the tree go to that thingy bird house like and it should go to an event.

How do you unlock every Pokemon on Pokemon fire red version?

EASY! Catch, train, battle POKEMON! IS YOUR DESTINY!

How do you unlock pacifilog city in Pokemon emerald version?

it's impossible

Can you battle Giovanni in Pokemon Heartgold?

If you mean your Rival's dad, yes but you need to unlock the Pichu event where Celebi sends you back in time.