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Yes. You have to heal your pokemon as well because the game will read this as the last visited Pokemon Center.

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Q: Can you fly back to the Pokemon league in Pokemon sapphire?
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Can you fly to and from the Pokemon league in heartgold?

yes you can. you can fly back to the indigo plateau and then you can enter the Pokemon leagues again.

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just fly back

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you fly or restart your game

What is the cheat of HM02 fly Pokemon sapphire?

sorry but there isnt one. :(

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Swelleow can. Pelliper can. Swablu can. Altaria can.

Can castform learn fly on Pokemon sapphire?

No, I don't think so.

How do you get fly in Pokemon Sapphire?

You go to your friend May in Fortree City and challenge her. If you beat her she will give you fly.

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fly in the middle of the room

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You fly to Mauville City and then you go left.

Where is silver cave on Pokemon Silver?

After defeating the Pokemon league,Fly to the bottom of the Pokemon league and enter then walk to the left.

How do you battle again the elite 4?

all you have to do is go back to the league and if you cant find it go get a pokemon with fly look at the places you can fly and you should see it

Pokemon platinum where to find hm fly?

at the city of the Pokemon league