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You fly to Mauville City and then you go left.

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Q: How do you get to Verdanturf town in Pokemon Sapphire?
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verdanturf town

Pokemon Sapphire Where can you find the normal rank contests?

You can find the normal rank contests in Pokemon ruby and Sapphire is in Verdanturf town

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Verdanturf town

How do you go to verdanturf town through the tunnel in Pokemon sapphire?

go to the cutters house in little root town in youl get to the town 0.o

Where are all the contest halls in Pokemon ruby or sapphire?

Normal -> Verdanturf Town Super -> Fallarbour Town Hyper -> SlatePort Master -> LilyCove City

Where is the easy rank contest in Pokemon sapphire?

The easy rank (known as Normal rank) can be found in Verdanturf town in Ruby and Sapphire. In Emerald, all ranks are in the Lilycove Pokemon Contest Center.

Where do you get HM strength on Pokemon sapphire?

im think you get it from using rock smash on those rocks in the tunnel around verdanturf town

How do you get to verdanturf town Pokemon emerald?

you have to go west of mauville and the city at the end is verdanturf

How do you tell what your Pokémons friendship is at on Pokémon sapphire?

Lady in Verdanturf Town will tell it to you.

How do you use the poke block case in sapphire?

You can get it in Verdanturf city in the Pokemon contest.

Where do you get a contest pass in Pokemon Sapphire?

You can get contest pass in Verdanturf town.. Talk to the lady in the contest to let you pass ( she's the one will give you the contest pass ).

Where is the fourth gym leader in pokemon sapphire?

the 4th gym leader is flannery. she is in lavaridge town. use ur pokenav and choose the hoenn map. u will see the lavaridge town above verdanturf town.