yes you can. you can fly back to the indigo plateau and then you can enter the Pokemon leagues again.
No Gastly cannot learn fly in Pokémon HeartGold.
same just touch screen.
I believe that you can get to Kanto after defeating the Pokemon league and getting the National Pokedex.
at the city of the Pokemon league
dont need one just fly to pkmn league and then u can fly to any reigon/city
he is the Pokemon league champion
Teach a Pokemon Fly after obtaining the HM and choose fly when you select the Pokemon.
No Gastly cannot learn fly in Pokémon HeartGold.
because its considered kanto you need to beat the league then get on the ss aqua
Obtain it from a gym leader.
everything You can do even more in Pokemon Heartgold and Silver
I dont know about the "not look at part", but you can't fly to Kanto unless your outside the Pokemon League or the victory road. So it is just two flights instead of one.