well if you want to get it to connect to a new wii just do the same thing. or just keep trying on the same one to ge it to work. it took me about ten minutes for my first time with a new wiimote
you just press the sync button on both wii remote and the wii itself at same time
You just twist and turn the Wii remote and put the pieces in the right spot
There is no fix for this, you bricked your wii.. this is a recent discovery while installing injected VC games
Use savemii
try to rest your wii or just go to game stop to get it fixed
Check and see if the connection between the Wii remote and the Nunchuk is secure.
you just press the sync button on both wii remote and the wii itself at same time
Synchronizing Wii Remote: Press the power button to turn on your Wii console. Remove the battery cover on the back of the remote . Change the two AA batteries. Open the door on the front of the Wii console and press the RED (SYNC) button at the same time push the RED (SYNC) button in the battery area of the remote. That's all now have fun.
Disconnect the nunchuck then reconnect it.
either get a new hairstyle or throw out your wii console...second option not advised
by eating the wii
move closer to the tv
you turn of the console
Yes you just press the synchronise button inside the Wii remote at the same time as you press the one in the little box by where you put your disk in. But it doesnt always work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You could always take it to your nearest tech store and have them fix it for you.
The wii remote has a red button in the battery compartment. Try pressing it for 3 sec.Then if that doesnt work.... im sorry
You should call Nintendo and get it repaired or replaced.
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