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No, since you can't mod the Xbox 360 version, you can't get Herobrine.

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Q: Can you find herobrine in the x-box 360 2013 edition in creative?
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Where could you find herobrine in pocket edition lite?

in regular minecraft you have to "summon" herobrine. in xbox 360 edition you can unupdate the game to summon herobrine but i am unsure if u will ever see him i know you will see burning trees and will find missing torches and stuff and possibly creepy signs in random places. i have not played pocket edition lite but if it is connected in any way to 4j studios then it might have been removed. you can always try summoning herobrine and find out that way.

Is there a herobrine in Minecraft xbox360?

Herobrine is not real and has never been real in any edition of Minecraft, or in any version of any edition. Anyone that tells you he is real is lying, and Notch did confirm that in a certain tweet on his Twitter, which you may find quoted on the Herobrine page on the Minecraft Wiki.

How do you find herobrine on minecraft?

If you've added Herobrine to your game via a mod (and there are many), the exact way to find him will be explained in that mod's text. There is no Herobrine in the unmodded game.

Where can you find herobrine on a Xbox?

You can't mod the XBox 360 version so you can't add Herobrine.

Can you find herobrine in multiplayer?

you cant any more because herobrine was removed from the game making it impossible to get any more

What skin pack is the herobrine on minecraft?

Herobrine's skin is basically a Steve (default) skin except the eyes are white. If you search "Herobrine" on any skin database website you can easily find one.

How do you find herobrine in minecraft without a mod?

You can't, he never existed in-game. When you see the update list when you start up Minecraft, pretty much every update says at the bottom "-Removed Herobrine.", but it's a joke update, referring to the 'urban legend' of Herobrine.

Where do you find steel on Minecraft XBOX 360 Edition in Creative Mode?

There is no such thing as steel. Iron is fairly abundant underground, just keep digging.

Where can we find herobrine?

It entirely depends on which mod you are using, it will be explained in the specific mod's documentation.

How can you find herobrine on Minecraft?

You don't find Him, He finds you! Then Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks him into orbit around Mars!

How can you find herobrine's grave?

Herobrines is a creepy pasta my suggestion is to build a grave yard and summon him

Where can you find Herobrine?

Near very early in the morning in real life near3:00 go to a cave or a mine