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Herobrine's skin is basically a Steve (default) skin except the eyes are white.

If you search "Herobrine" on any skin database website you can easily find one.

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Q: What skin pack is the herobrine on minecraft?
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How do you spawn Herobrine in Minecraft?

Herobrine is a myth in minecraft. There are a number of mods that can add him in, the method to spawn him will be explained by the mod you choose.

Do you have to worry about herobrine in Minecraft?

No. There is no Herobrine in Minecraft.

What is herobrine in Minecraft?

Herobrine is a myth that most people refer to him as a monster with Steve skin, white eyes and evil brother of notch

Are there herobrion on minecraft xbox 360?

No, Herobrine isn't in The Xbox version or any other versions of Minecraft. There is no reference to him in the coding; therefore he doesn't exist. the Closest thing you could get to Herobrine is the Herobrine skin in the skin pack.

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Herobrine was never in Minecraft.

How do you look like herobrine in Minecraft?

You can make it in two ways you can download a Herobrine Skin. Way 1. Load it up to your minecraft account Way 2. Rename it in to player.jpg or whatever is in the minecraft.jar/mobs

Did they really remove Herobrine for Minecraft?

Herobrine was never in Minecraft. It was just a joke from Notch. He never had a brother named Herobrine.

How do you spawn hero-brine in xbox 360 edition?

There is no way to spawn Herobrine in your Minecraft Xbox 360 world, but you can change your skin as herobrine and troll people.

How do you catch herobrine in Minecraft pe?

Herobrine is not a part of any version of Minecraft, it is unlikely he ever will be.

What is herobrines username in Minecraft?

There is a Minecraft player with the username Herobrine but they have not been noticeably active.

How do you summon Herobrine on Minecraft?

The only way to spawn herobrine in minecraft is to use mods as you cannot spawn him in vanilla minecraft.

What skin pack on Minecraft has stampy cat?

Pack 1