No, you can only download flipnote studio if you have a DSi, or a DSi XL. This is because the DS Lite does not come with a store to shop online, and does not have the interface to store apps.
I hope i have been of help:)
The Flipnote Studio is an application for the DSi or the DSi XL ONLY.
You can't 'add/download' games to the DS lite.
The Nintendo DS lite does not support and cannot download Miis.
You can't download games onto a DS Lite.
You can't download games for DS lite because you need a game cartridge for the console.
No, there isn't.
The Flipnote Studio is an application for the DSi or the DSi XL ONLY.
take it back. all dsixl's should come with flipnote studio. that u can do or you can just download off the Nintendo shop on the ds it is free so no biggy
You cannot download games to your DS lite.
You can't 'add/download' games to the DS lite.
You canNOT download games on your Ds Lite, Sorry :*(
The DSI has a whole bunch of new features, flipnote studio, sounds, camera (etc.), it has almost everything a DS lite has except for the game boy slot thingy, the dsi doesnt have that. But it has everything else
The Nintendo DS lite does not support and cannot download Miis.
You can't download games onto a DS Lite.
it has flipnote studio and Nintendo dsi browser and sounds that you can record it has a camera it can do ds download from the wii and pitochat and dsi ware. And it has a bigger screen
You can't download games for DS lite because you need a game cartridge for the console.