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You can't 'add/download' games to the DS lite.

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Q: How can you download a game to a ds lite?
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Where do download free ds lite game?

You can't download games for DS lite because you need a game cartridge for the console.

How do you play games without your own game or Nintendo ds download with a ds lite?

Go to a local game stop and bring your ds and download.

What do you get on ds lite to download games on?

You cannot download games to your DS lite.

How do you download games on your ds lite?

You canNOT download games on your Ds Lite, Sorry :*(

How do you download stuff on Nintendo ds lite?

The Nintendo DS Lite cannot download new software or updates unlike the NDSi or 3DS. It can only DS Download play, which temporarily allows you to play a downloaded DS game. You can find the DS Download Play button in the home menu of the Nintendo DS.

How do you download Miis on a DS lite?

The Nintendo DS lite does not support and cannot download Miis.

Can dsi and ds lite link?

If you are talking about a game download, then yes, you can link them.

How do you download games onto a Nintendo DS Lite?

You can't download games onto a DS Lite.

Can you download games to a DS light?

no, you can't download game to a Nintendo DS lite, it only works with a Nintendo DSi or a DSi XL

Can you download games to your ds lite?


How do you get ds lite and dsi demos?

To get demos you have to go in a game store like toysrus,walmart,and radioshack and so on.when you are in a game store turn on your dsi or ds lite go to ds download play.wait for a minute a blue screen will pop will have lots of ds games including 7 new game can also use a computer to get demos or full I'll show you how to use a wii wit it.on your wii go to ds download service and pick yo game and put on your ds lite or dsi ds download play and wait and you'll have it.

Were can you download ds games on to your ds with a game card?

You can't with a ds lite, you need a dsi/dsiXL or a 3ds.