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Yes. You can download it on a R4 card and that's all i know.

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Q: Can you download Pokemon black and white to DS lite?
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Can Pokemon white and black be on psp or ps2?

No. Pokemon black/white is only for ds and ds lite.

Pokemon Black and White for ds light?

yes the Pokemon black and white games are on all three NDS, NDS lite, and NDSi ( XL )

How much will Pokemon Black cost including the with the ds?

Nintendo DS Lite Handheld Console --- $197 Nintendo DSi --- $248 Nintendo 3DS --- $248 Pokemon Black or White --- $47 (big W) Pokemon Black or White --- $58 (Game) Pokemon Black or White --- $68 (EB Games)

Is Pokemon Black and White only for the 3ds?

NO! I have a DSI and a DS Lite and I play it. You can play it with any Nintendo DS system.

Can you play Pokemon white on ds lite?

yes you can

Can you play Pokemon black on ds lite?

Yes, it will run on the original, the lite, the DSi and the XL.

Is Pokemon white only for the DS?

Pokemon Black & White, Heart-Gold & Soul-Silver, Pearl & Diamond are all compatible with the Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSi, and possibly for the DS XL and 3DS.

How much of a discount would i get if i trade in a ds lite that doesn't work properly towards Pokemon black and white?

You will have to check with local stores for this information.

Versions of pokemon?

1st generation: Pokemon Red, Blue and Special Pikachu edition. (GB/GBC) 2nd generation: Pokemon Gold, Silver and Cryslal (GBC) 3rd generation: Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Fire Red and Leaf Green (GBA) 4th generation: Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, Heartgold and Soulsilver (DS Classic, DS Lite and DSi) 5th Generation: Pokemon Black and White (DS Classic, DS Lite and DSi)

Can you play 2ds games on ds lite?

Yes you can generally play Pokemon black and white 2 on ds lite, but it can be really difficult to get certain functions to work on the ds lite, such as the ability to go into battle mode.

What colors does a DS lite come in?

pink, black, white, and a red/black combo

How do you get Hoen Pokemon in Pokemon White?

Some Hoenn pokemon can be found in the tall grass in certain places, but there is another way- You will need a nintendo ds lite/original ds, and another ds (i use a 3ds and a ds lite)you will also need pokemon white, soulsilver/heartgold, and sapphire/ruby. Put your soulsilver/heartgold game in slot one, and sapphire/ruby in your original/lite ds. Turn on your soulsilver/heartgold game and transfer your hoenn pokemon from sapphire/ruby to soulsilver/heartgold using the pal park. Then save and reboot your original/lite ds and go to download play. Put your pokemon white game in your second ds and go to the poke transfer lab, talk to the guy at the end of the building, he will tell you how to do the rest.