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yes go to spear pillar and use the azza Flute

I really don't care i just try to CATCH EM ALL! =D--l

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Q: Can you catch arceus before defeating the Pokemon league in platinum?
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How do you get arcea on Pokemon Platinum?

arceus will be given away on a Pokemon event sometime this year or begining of next year. prolly this year with the release fo the Pokemon movie i know were getting him before the release of Pokemon soul silver andheart gold

What is the code for Arceus on LeafGreen?

Arceus has no cheat code for Leaf Green, because Leaf Green was released years before Platinum, Pearl and Diamond in which Arceus first appears.

What rare Pokemon's can you get before the elite 4 in Pokemon Platinum?

The rare Pokemon which you can get before the Elite Four in Pokemon Platinum are Giratina, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf.

Can you recatch dialga?

In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, you cannot 'recatch' Dialga, but you can have multiple attempts if you save before battling Dialga. In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, when you do the Arceus event, you automatically obtain your choice of Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina.

Do you have to finish anything before you can get Arceus on platinum?

well you have to visit mount coronet first,beat the Pokemon league,and you have to get a certain flute from a wi-fi event then go to the top of mount coronet and click on the flute,say yes then it will play and arceus should appear

Is there a Arceus in Pokemon platinum?

yes there is. the only way to obtain arceus is to go to an event. there was a movie event special for arceus. or, you can use action replay codes to obtain an item to go to arceus and battle/catch him.

What Pokemon are in Pokemon Platinum?

All the Pokemon from before. There are no additions or subtractions of Pokemon.

Where do you get the masterball?

Pokemon Fire red and Leaf green- After saving Pokemon Emerald- team aqua hideout Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl and Platinum- After defeating Cyrus at veilstone galactic base Pokemon Heart gold and Soul silver: Right before Ho-ho and Lugia

Will Pokemon platinum let you trade Pokemon from emerald version to platinum before obtaining the national pokedex?


What Pokemon are in the pokedex on Pokemon Platinum?

every pokemon from that game and generations before

What is before Giratina in Pokemon Platinum in the pokedex?

Absol is the Pokemon before Giratina. Absol's number in the pokedex is 209 and Giratina's number is 210. This is the one in the Pokemon platinum POKEDEX.

When will magmar evolove in platinum?

I haven't played Pokemon Platinum Version before