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In order to catch a shiny rayquaza in any game without cheating is to save right in front of any legendary and keep battleing it. I recommend using a masterball unless you are EXTREMMLY GOOD at catching Pokemon, It will take you about 14 hours to see one. Your chances of finding one are about 1 out of 8164. I migrated all of my good Pokemon in sapphire to platinum just to start a new game to catch a shiny kyoger, rayquaza, regice,regirock,registeel, and If you are BEOND lucky Latias(ITS YELLOW NOT RED!!!) Have good shiny legendary hunting:P!


Also if your lucky you might get a shiny latos, it's green!

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Q: Can you catch a shiny Rayquaza in emerald without cheat?
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How do you catch Rayquaza without a cheat?

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Regirock, Regiice, Registeel, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon, Latios or Latias

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The only way to get Rayquaza is to trade with a friend or somehow cheat it in but there is no know cheat for that, sorry

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Get the cheat machine for gameboy advance and catch it or trade it from embreald

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Cheating is for the weak...... And no... There is NO cheat!!

Can you get Rayquaza earlyer in Pokemon emerald?

Not unless you use a cheat or trade.

Can you get a dark rayquassa in Pokemon emerald without a cheat?

Yes, u can only if its shiny!!!!(it's not called dark rayquaza) you'll get 1/8673 chances of getting a shiny rayquaza!!!

How do you get Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl?

You cannot catch Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl. You will have to have caught it on Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and migrated it to Pearl. Then you have to catch it at Pal cant catch rayquaza in pearl. you can only migrate from ruby,sapphire,or emerald or use cheat with action replay. you have to migrate it from ether Pokemon rudy/sapphire or emerald To get a Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl you will need to trade with Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. To access Rayquaza in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver you need to show Professor Oak a Kyorge and Groudon. This will give the player a Jade Orb that can be used at the Embedded Tower to access Rayquaza in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. This Rayquaza can be captured and then traded to Pokemon Pearl.

What is the cheat code dark Rayquaza in Pokemon Black?

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Can you catch a shiny Rayquaza in emerald without cheat and what were the results?

any Pokemon can be caught shiny from the second generation onward, so you could catch a shiny rayquaza in emerald/Sapphire/ruby all you need to do is play through the game enough times to find it. some get lucky with the first few 1000's but shiny chance is 1 in about 8120 i cant remember exact number but 8126 feels right

How do you get Rayquaza in Pokemon Diamond?

You cannot catch Rayquaza in Pokemon Diamond. Instead, you have to catch it in a GBA game and transfer it through Pal Park to get it. need Pokemon Ruby Sapphire or Emerald 2.catch Rayquaza in the sky pillar Pokemon diamond/pearl you have to fill up the sinnoh pokedex 4.once you do that, go to the starting screen, scroll down and you will see migrate but you have to have 1 of the gameboy games in the bottom 5.go to Pal Park and catch Rayquaza ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.or just use the action replay cheat should find the cheat at code junkies .com 3.or type up what is the action replay cheat for rayquaza

Is there a cheat where you can get a Rayquaza on Pokemon soul silver?

There is no cheat to catch rayquaza in Pokemon soulsilver. To catch rayquaza, (depending on which game you have 'cause s.s. you catch groudon and h.g. you catch kyogre) you have to first catch either Groudon or Kyogre, then you have to get the other one from Pokemon h.g. or s.s. -Go to embedded tower and catch what ever one. -Trade with someone who has the opposite game with you and get their legendary. Take both Groudon and Kyogre to the Embedded tower and you will be able to defeat/battle rayquaza. Hope it helps.