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No you cannot catch Larvitar in Pokémon Emerald.

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Q: Can you catch a Larvitar in Pokemon Emerald Version?
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How do you get Tyranitar in Pokemon pearl or diamond version?

Tyranitar evolves from Pupitar, which evolves from Larvitar. You can get a wild Larvitar in Diamond at Route 207. It's impossible to catch a wild Larvitar in Pearl.

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You can't catch a sentret in Ruby version, but you can catch one in Emerald version.

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You can't.You have to trade it from Pokemon Ruby Version

Can you catch larvitar in Pokemon platinum?

you can catch a larvitar on route 206 if dawns sister says you can.

Where do you catch a STARYU in Pokemon emerald version?

lilycove city

Where can you catch a larvitar in emerald?

You can catch a larvitar in emerald in any river as long as you choose the right bait and are full of patience. They are very tricky to work with so you must be keen and alert

Where to catch a Tyranitar in Pokemon FireRed version?

You can't catch a tyranitar you will need to train a larvitar to get one. It must be level 55 to become tyranitar.

Dragon scale in Pokemon emerald?

The Dragonscale is an item in Pokemon Emerald version. There is a chance that certain Pokemon such a Horsea will be holding one when you catch it.

Can you catch a larvitar in Pokemon Ruby?

Not naturally, no.

How do you get tyrranitar in emerald?

AnswerGo to MT. silver catch a larvitar and evolve it into pupitar and then it evolves into tyrannitaryou can also get it at sevault canyonYou have to go to Sevault Canyon on Seven Island. Wander around in the grass for a while and Larvitar will turn up. Catch it and evolve it to Pupitar and then Larvitar.Tyranitar cannot be captured instead you must capture a Larvitar then train it to level 55 to evolve it to Tyranitar. Larvitar can be captured in Sevault Canyon on Seven Island.