Of course! You can catch it with any type of ball, though the status moves are depending. You can catch any pokemon with any ball, if the HP is low enough/status conditions, etc.
by throwing it
I would have a friend send you a suicune, you then send it back, now the best ball would be a repeat ball. well... the BEST ball would be a master ball of course, but... meh.
a Master ball or alto of ultra balls
a net ball because its good on water types
Black Apricorn: Heavy Ball -- Big enough to catch heavy Pokemon like Snorlax
by throwing it
You can catch Suicune using any type of pokeball. The best odds of catching it come with the ultra ball. If you use a master ball, it is a certain catch. Any other ball has less odds.
Use a Master ball on Suicune but there is an easier way get Suicune. Catch a Pokemon who has the ability of spell tag.
a heal ball after slim health
the best pokeball to catch suicune with is a great ball
net ball, fast ball
The best ball to catch suicune with would probably be the level ball if you have lots of high level pokemon. you can get the level ball from Kurt in azelea town using apricorns. ( i don't know what color apricorn it is, so your on your own for that.) Besides that, i caught my suicune with a ultra ball. so jus buy a lot of ultra balls if anything. :)
to catch suicune,mewtwo,raikou and entei
Yes it is hard but do able
I would have a friend send you a suicune, you then send it back, now the best ball would be a repeat ball. well... the BEST ball would be a master ball of course, but... meh.
Use a master ball.
Sadly you can not saddly i whant one to catch suicune :(