I would have a friend send you a suicune, you then send it back, now the best ball would be a repeat ball.
well... the BEST ball would be a master ball of course, but... meh.
Have a Fast Ball with you. This ball should catch at first time. If not, stack up on Ultras.
i would say Ultra-Ball so you could save the master for Entei Suicune or Raikou pokeballs are the best balls you can use just use one of them and then do the A/B trick(hold a and b at the same time) and it should catch!
The best ball to catch Giratina is the Master Ball but the next best and effective options would be the Dusk Ball or the Ultra Ball.
What lvl. is it? If it is like 40 or 50, I would use an ultra, to be on the safe side. you also have to see how much money you have for an ultra ball. Hope you catch raichu!
Net ball.
net ball, fast ball
the best pokeball to catch suicune with is a great ball
You can catch Suicune using any type of pokeball. The best odds of catching it come with the ultra ball. If you use a master ball, it is a certain catch. Any other ball has less odds.
The best ball to catch suicune with would probably be the level ball if you have lots of high level pokemon. you can get the level ball from Kurt in azelea town using apricorns. ( i don't know what color apricorn it is, so your on your own for that.) Besides that, i caught my suicune with a ultra ball. so jus buy a lot of ultra balls if anything. :)
Use a master ball.
master ball
Ultra Balls are best, but you can catch with a Great Ball or Fast Ball (apricorn ball). I also suggest putting it to sleep than using a Friend Ball (Green Apricorn). This is how I caught Ho-oh and Suicune so I can save my master ball for later!
the best type of ball to catch all legendaries is the ultra ball
I used net and ultra balls, but fast balls might work too.
Have a Fast Ball with you. This ball should catch at first time. If not, stack up on Ultras.
Ultra Balls.
Master Ball is the best but I use the Dusk Ball and it worked==:COMMENTS:==~Silver*: Duhh? Master balls can catch any wild Pokemon -.-ll