Yes. It is completely possible to catch Mewtwo with an ultra ball.
ANSWER 1:Mewtwo appears only in Fire Red and Leaf Green. You can catch him in either of those games and then trade him to Pokemon Ruby.sorry mate its impossible only way is to trade like this guy said (: (: (: (: (: (: (:ANSWER 2:I regret to tell you that you cannot catch Mewtwo in Ruby. You can only catch Mewtwo in FireRed or LeafGreen. (You can use cheats to get it but it wouldn't be as fun).Mewtwo is at Level 70 in LeafGreen and FireRed so use an Ultra Ball/Timer Ball/Master Ball.If you need/want a Mewtwo you can trade Mewtwo into your Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Game.
Yes, the Ultra Ball has a 4x catch rate than a Premier Ball, which has the same catch rate as a normal Poke Ball. It is commonly used to catch rare or Legendary Pokemon.
the ultra ball is what i used to catch it...but you could use the master ball after you get it
You can catch Mewtwo easily by using a Master Ball on it or by using an Ultra Ball on it after lowering its HP.
I prefer to use my Master Ball for Mewtwo, but at least use an Ultra Ball.
You can probaly catch him with a ultra ball but I would use the master ball
yes, you can cause i did
master ball ultra ball quick ball or a premier ball
Try to get a ultra ball
yes, i caught mew 2 with 24 ultra balls and nothing else.
You can catch Mewtwo with any Poké Ball and those include the regular Poké Ball as well as the Great Balls, Ultra Balls, Dusk Balls and Nest Balls.
you know lengendaries are hard to catch,but some are normally hard.just use dusk ball or ultra ball
yes,you can get ant pokemon with ant pokeball.(well,if you're lucky.)
When you bttle with mewtwo launch a master ball if you don t have launch a ultra ball
use master ball or get his health to red put him to sleep or paralyze him and chuck ultra balls at him bring about 150 ultra balls