Yes,but you must have at least 999 fast balls and level 100 pokemon.[all of them]
Have a Fast Ball with you. This ball should catch at first time. If not, stack up on Ultras.
Using a master ball
first you go on the route that has the strange tree and spray it with the squirt bottle and it will attack you and use a fast ball to catch it and there you go a sudowoodo
Yes, you can get the moon ball in Pokemon Black and White, but you have to have an Action Replay Dsi to get it. It isn't like a normal pokeball, you can't catch any pokemon with it, the ball is just an item. List of non-pokeballs: Fast Ball Level Ball Lure Ball Heavy Ball Love Ball Friend Ball Moon Ball Sport Ball Park Ball These are just items, not real pokeballs, so dont expect them to catch any pokemon.
the ultra ball is what i used to catch it...but you could use the master ball after you get it
I used an ultra ball so any I guess. make sure he doesn't kill himself first though
faST ball
net ball, fast ball
Have a Fast Ball with you. This ball should catch at first time. If not, stack up on Ultras.
Yes not fast at all
in Pokemon silver you can catch Pokemon as how you catch in other versions. in the Silver version is where the use of special Poke balls were introduced just like Fast Ball, Heavy Ball and Lure Ball.
to catch any of these u need either a gameshark or use other cheats.
You can't unless you trade with somebody. Anyways Moltres is better
A master ball ,ultra ball or fast balls etc.NOTE:Raikou flees a lot
Using a master ball
first you go on the route that has the strange tree and spray it with the squirt bottle and it will attack you and use a fast ball to catch it and there you go a sudowoodo