No you can't catch darkrai in ruby unless you hack (witch i do not recommend)
You can't catch a sentret in Ruby version, but you can catch one in Emerald version.
Darkrai is a dark type of Pokemon. You can catch one in Pokemon Diamond version on Newmoon Island but you need a membership card.
use poke balls on it
You cannot catch darkrai in any generation three game even WITH the use of a cheating device. This is because they were not created yet. Darkrai is only obtainable in Generation 4 games through a Nintendo event or a cheating device.
no you do not
you can't catch darkrai in pokemon ruby unless you hack :)
You can't catch Zekrom in Ruby version.
You can't catch a sentret in Ruby version, but you can catch one in Emerald version.
You cannot catch Ponyta in Ruby version, nor Sapphire version. You much catch it in Fire Red or Leaf Green and then trade it to Ruby or Sapphire.
you cant put you can in platinum version
Darkrai is a dark type of Pokemon. You can catch one in Pokemon Diamond version on Newmoon Island but you need a membership card.
use poke balls on it
Currently, there is no such Pokemon as 'Darklia'. If you are reffering to Darkrai or Palkia, then they cannot be obtained in any way in Pokemon Ruby. Currently, there is no such Pokemon as 'Darklia'. If you are reffering to Darkrai or Palkia, then they cannot be obtained in any way in Pokemon Ruby.
You have to trade them from the Sapphire version of the game.
master ball
We get vulpix in MT.PYRE
No, but you can catch one in Emerald after the Pokémon League.