sadly no, ether, max ether, elixir, and max elixir, all pp gainers are not sold in the pokemarket, you have to find it with the dowsing machine
You can use elixirs, max elixers, and leppa berries.
Unfortunately, you can't buy them. You can only find them in hidden area's or in rocks. An alternative is to grow Leppa Berries, since they restore PP as well.
no where ha ha who ever you are
Right, You cannot get an pp max in Pokemon diamond or Pokemon pearl nor platinum!
no berries
they fully restore the pp for one move
You can use elixirs, max elixers, and leppa berries.
Pp max are items you use to restore your pp if it's low or not sure if you can buy them but I'm positive it will restore your pokemons pp fully
Unfortunately, you can't buy them. You can only find them in hidden area's or in rocks. An alternative is to grow Leppa Berries, since they restore PP as well.
You can find them or buy them at a place.
no where ha ha who ever you are
no berries
Right, You cannot get an pp max in Pokemon diamond or Pokemon pearl nor platinum!
Pp up
eithers restore pp, u cant buy them anywhere that i no of, u find them in grassy areas though, if u see wat looks like a pokeball in the grass it is an item, it mite be an either.
buy them in veilstone city "mall" place.or find them in poke balls on the ground.
You can not get PP ups in Pokemon platinum.