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When a sim dies, the ashes of the sim will show up where it died. Go outside in front of your house and you'll see death walking outside. Use the ghost of the dead body and talk to death. There will be two choices. Either u can do a fiddle challenge or you can pay him 100 dollars. If you suck at using an instrument, your sim will fail to beat death at a fiddle challenge. The easy way out is just paying the money!

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Q: Can you bring back the dead on the sims 2?
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Can you bring back a dead non controllable sim?

For the sims 2, yes.

Where is the death daisy in sims 2 castaway?

The death daisy is located where one of your Sims has died. If it is found you get to bring your dead Sim back to life!

How do you bring a sim back to life in The Sims 2 nightlife?

two ways 1.} Insinerator which is a mod OR 2.} Install sims 2 university and unlock the paranormal career reward which u can use to bring ur sims back from the dead by paying the grim reaper money (if you want your sim/s back in one piece pay 4500-5000 simloans)

How do you bring dead pets back to life on sim's 2 pets?

you cant bring a pet back to life but if a sim dies and you have their grave, then you might be able to see the sims ghost once and a while

What job do you need to get the machine to bring you back from the dead on the sims 2?

u need university. it is called resurect-O-nomitron. click it and click call reaper. u get to choose the sim. CAUTION: if ur sims does not know any dead sims, it will not work.

Can you get a zombie with sims 2 apartment life?

Yes! A top level evil witch or warlock can bring Sims back from the dead as zombies with the Vivificus Zombaie spell. Zombies are available in Sims 2 Apartment Life even if you don't have any other expansion packs.

In sims 2 castaway why do i have death daisy potion when no one in my tribe is dead?

around the 3 islands there are skeletons. if you give these the death potion you bring them back to life.

Can you bring a dead person back to life in the sims 2?

if you have another person you can beg for them and if you win the game the person comes back to life, once i deleted the repear and the per that died disappeared too! lol

PLEASE I'M desperate how do you bring back sims that died to life I've already tried unlockcareerRewards and it wont work?

There are many things you can do to bring a Sim back to life, here are some of those things * If you have Sims 2 University and are in college or an adult use the careerRewards cheat to unlock the ressurectomatron and have one of your other Sims call the grim reaper to bring you sim back to life. Make sure you have plenty of money though. * If you have Sims 2 Freetime and have a family full of talented people full of hobbies then a gypsy will come and give you a genie lamp that you will get 3 wishes from, one of the wishes available is to have a dead family member or friend come back to life. That dead sim of yours will hopefully be on that list of dead sims. * Or use the boolprop cheat and get the tombstone of L and D (life and death). There is an option of having a neighbor be in your family, it doesn't matter whether they are dead or alive their names will still be listed on there, anyways just click on the name of your dead sim and he or she will appear.

In The Sims 2 castaway ps2 how do you kill sims?

Make them starve or fall asleep on water. You can bring them back to life with a death daisy potion.

What to do with deathdaisy potion on sims 2 castaway?

You use it to resurrect dead Sims. But not the dead skeletons just your Sims.

How do you get the gravestone on sims 2 castaway?

The gravestone appears when one of the sims has died. When you find the gravestone pick up the death daisy to make a potion to bring the sim back to life.