But you can in soul silver or heart gold. (At the top of mount silver)
you dont battle ash, instead you battle "red" on mt.Pire in the old region.
you can battle them on routes 224 and 230 in platinum
No you can not battle dawn in platinum:( but you do work with her several times against team galatic
ash does not face lance at all
No, you don't battle Ash in Platinum unless you named your rival ash. Other than that, it is impossible.
Yes,but you don't battle him in Heartgold and Soulsilver,but you can Battle him in Pearl,Platinum and Diamond.
Ash is not in platinum..
No u can not. Sorry if i did not give u a good answer comment back plz
Nope, you can't see Ash in Pokémon Platinum.
you cant battle ash in this game although you do battle red on mt silver
you dont battle ash, instead you battle "red" on mt.Pire in the old region.
Battle of Ash Hollow happened on 1855-09-03.
You don't.
you can battle them on routes 224 and 230 in platinum