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Q: Can xbox 360 codes be reused for another console?
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What is the code for Skyrim xbox 360?

There are actually no codes for Skrim on the Xbox 360. The only codes for Skyrim are on the PC and they are called "Console Commands."

Is it possible to use the resurrect code on Fallout New Vegas for xbox?

The console command codes cannot be used on a console (ironic much?)

Can any other console apart from Xbox connect to a Xbox?

Console, no. You can connect to an Xbox from a PC.

Can you download your Xbox 360 saved games to another Xbox 360 console?

you would have to have a memory card or a hard drive and put that in a nother console with the oposite of watever your puting in there then copy it!

How do you put minecraft from one Xbox to another Xbox for free?

To move your games from one console to another you need to transfer your licenses and your account. Microsoft released a tool to do this, it's free and downloadable from, and it lets you move the licenses from the console they were purchased on, to another. Once you've done this, Minecraft can then be played on the other console.

Can you still get on Xbox live with Xbox pro?

if you mean the xbox pro console then of course you can you can go on live with any xbox console

Can action replay Xbox cause permanent damage to your Xbox or your Xbox games?

Yes. if you have a bad code in your replay, it could rewrite some codes in your game that could have bad effects on your console or game. DO NOT WORRY! The codes that are programmed into the replay will most likely NOT hurt your game console. Action replays edit the code of the game to change how the developers wanted the game to work. It reprograms the game.

Were do you enter a cheat code in Call of Duty World at War zombie mode on xbox?

You can't enter cheat codes on Xbox, on PC you can enter console commands which is what I think you are thinking of.

Is the xbox 720 coming out in 2011?

NO, there is another 4-5 years after a console slim down.

Will Japanese Xbox 360 games work on an American Xbox 360 console or does it require a Japanese Xbox 360 console?

It will work on an American xbox

What happens when you download a profile on xbox live?

if you mean downloading it on another console all it does is add it to that console so you can use it without the original hardrive it was on.

Can you burn cds from an Xbox 360 console?

No, it is not possible to burn CDs from the XBOX 360 console.