Only by using TM22 Solarbeam, yes. But turtwig can't learn it by leveling it up or breeding.
She doesen't You have to get a TM
Level 46.
turtwig does not learn energy ball
Torterra can be taught Solar Beam with TM22
Turtwig is able to learn Razor Leaf at level 13.
Groudon can learn Solar Beam at level 50.
no it can not learn it but you can get ice beam as a TM is number 13
Victreebel learns Solar Beam at level 52. Alternatively, it can also learn Solar Beam through TM22 in most Pokémon games.
it doesn't learn it you have to teach it to it
Yes, with TM22
Exeggutor does not learn solar beam at any natural level. To teach it solar beam you must get the TM first and use it on the Exeggutor.
Turtwig is able to learn Razor Leaf at level 13.
Level 53.
She doesen't You have to get a TM
Level 46.
Cherubi learns Solar Beam at level 37, but if it evolves into Cherrim, it learns it at level 43
turtwig does not learn energy ball