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turtwig does not learn energy ball

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Q: What level does turtwig learn energy ball?
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What level does torterra learn energy ball?

It can't learn it by Level up, only from TM53

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level 36 after you evolve it (generation 5)

Can treeko learn energy ball?

Yes. You can teach it either by TM or have it learn it at level 51 if you don't evolve it.

When does torterra learn energy ball?

Torterra can't learn Energy Ball on its own. You have to get the TM for Energy Ball.

Can Venusaur learn the move energy ball?

Yes, Venusaur can learn the move Energy Ball by leveling up at level 37. It can also learn Energy Ball through TM53 in certain Pokémon games. Energy Ball is a Special Grass-type move that deals damage and has a chance to lower the opponent's Special Defense.

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Pikachu learn electro ball at level 18

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Grotle cannot learn Energy Ball naturally and needs TM 53 to learn it.

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Victreebel learns leaf storm at level 47. Some other moves that Victreebel is able to learn include vine whip, and energy ball.

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At level 19, Roselia leans magical leaf. Some of the other moves Roselia can learn are blizzard, solar beam, energy ball, and poison sting.

What level does a Castform learn Weather Ball?

level 30

What level does haunter learn shadow ball?

33 level

How do you teach Energy Ball to a Treecko in Pokemon Sapphire Version?

You can either wait until he is like level 50 or 51 and he tries to learn it himself, or teach him the TM, and i don't know where energy ball is, sorry.