I'm not really to sure but the poke radar is really just used to find out of region Pokemon, not really to much to help you cheat... plus the poke radar doesn't work in swamp grass, so I'm going to go ahead and say NO! :D
The bait in the great marsh makes a Pokemon stay longer. However if you use too much it could startle the Pokemon and make it flee. The mud when used makes a Pokemon easy to capture but has a high chance of making the Pokemon flee.
i used the love ball but it didn't work.then i used a great ball it worked!use ultra or great balls because the other ones work on ones with special qualites.but great and ultra balls work on all kinds!
Vg-2 is a radar detector detector used by police in areas that its illegal to posses a radar detector. However, its barely used as most police departments now use to spectre1-5.
the ultra ball is what i used to catch it...but you could use the master ball after you get it
Head to the top of the Lost Tower (on Route 209, between Hearthome and Solaceon). Be aware that, although you can reach the top of the tower without Defog, you will not be gifted Strength unless you have used Defog (found in the Great Marsh). If you have used Defog, speak to the two ladies. One will give you Strength and one will give you Spell Tag.
The Poke Radar cannot be used to capture starter Pokemon. In general, the only way to get starter Pokemon is through picking your starter at the beginning of the game.
like a poke radar
I used a great ball
Keep trying. As long as you have Pokemon Platinum or Pearl, he's there somewhere. Just be patient.
Microwave IS used in RADAR.
Usually Doppler radar is used.
yes i used it on Pokemon diamond , i used it to find your mam in the tALL GRASS SHE WAS SO HAIRY I COULD SEE HER A MILE OFF YOUR SAD! no you don't you get it from bebe in hearthome city level 5
This could mean:A radar attached to a balloonA balloon used by a radar for calibration
A radar.
That would be any radar detector. If you want to detect a radar that is not being used, you need to find a psychic.