only if someone with white traded it to you
There is no official game yet, but there are rumors that there will be a Pokemon Gray version in a year or two, similar to Pokemon Platinum and Pokemon Crystal, as if it becomes real, it will be the third game in the Pokemon Black and White games.
The Shiny Suicune was a game stop event held before Pokemon black and whiter where releases. You had to get either suicune riakou or entei at the event of your Pokemon Pearl/diamond/platinum/soul silver/ or heart gold version, and then transfer them to your Pokemon black/white version.
On Pokemon black you can only transfer "English Version DS Pokemon Siries Games." Such as Pokemon Heartgold, Pokemon Soulsilver , Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Platinum, and Pokemon Diamond. But you can trade from Pokemon White and Pokemon Black.♥ :)
Needs to be traded from Pokemon White.
No. Pokemon can't be traded from Black/White to older games at all, even if those pokemon existed in those older games.
No, but you can transfer from platinum to black or white using poketransfer of relocater.
no, these Pokemon are unknown in Pokemon platinum
only if someone with white traded it to you
Pokemon Platinum, diamond and pearl. and black and white 5
You must trade one from pokemon pearl/platinum version
You can't catch one.You need to trade it from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum version
Dialga needs to be traded in from Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold or Soulsilver.
That would be Pokemon Platinum, and the newest, Pokemon Black and White. Hope I helped :)
There is no official game yet, but there are rumors that there will be a Pokemon Gray version in a year or two, similar to Pokemon Platinum and Pokemon Crystal, as if it becomes real, it will be the third game in the Pokemon Black and White games.
Yes; but not the new pokemon. Only the old ones.
First, you have to transfer firered version pokemon to diamond, pearl, platinum, heartgold, soulsilver. Then you can transfer it to Black or white