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All PlayStation 3's are able to get Ylod. Some may even argue that PS3 slims are more likely to get Ylod due to the size. A smaller console means less room for heat sinks and fans, Meaning that the PS3 will generate and hold more heat which is a number one cause for Ylod

The above must have been written by someone who does not understand that the PS3 slim uses less power and will run cooler than the Fat PS3 and does not have an overheating problem. The actual available and unused space in the PS3 slim is greater than in the Fat PS3, but overheating is not a problem for the PS3 slim. Overheating is worse in the first PS3 4 USB port models released with the highest power consumption at 200 watts and 380 watts max even the last PS3 Fat models used 130 watts and 280 watts max. The slim PS3 uses only 100 watts and 250 watts max

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

If you are asking if a PS3 slim can break then the answer is yes. They run cooler than the Fat PS3 and even later fat models had less problems with overheating. The PS3 slim has the lowest power consumption of any of the Earlier PS3 models and the power consumption is what leads to the heat

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Q: Can the PS3 slim get YLOD?
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PS3 Slim Seems to be the same kinda, PS3 60g gets alot of YLOD's, ( Yellow Light Of Deaths).

What if your 60gb PS3 got the ylod and doesn't work you get a slim can you put your hdd in your friends 60gb PS3 and back it up to an external hdd?

No you cant!.

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Many parts are still usable after YLOD and there are sites that repair YLOD for $99 if you have not done something trying to repair it yourself

How much does it cost to fix the yellow light on a PS3?

Fixing the YLOD on the PS3 will cost $150.00.

Should the playstation 3 slim gets the ylod?

clean your vents make sure they are always well maintained and make sure your ps3 is always cool. dont put it into surrounded places or close places like closets or tv stands because the surrounding will keep the heat around ps3 causing it to overheat which will cause ylod. People that dont do this get ylod. I have fixed my ylod resoldering the motherboard and i have been keeping my vents clean have it on stand near the window with window little cracked open for it to be cooled down and no problems for over 2 years now.

What if your 60gb PS3 got the ylod and doesnt work so you get a slim can you put your hdd in your friends PS3 and back it up to an external hdd?

Simply no bc the hdd`s content is encrypted to your ps3 serial number, so in other word just format it and begin all over.

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PS3 slim

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PS3 slim

How do you stop ylod on a PS3?

keep your ps3 vents always clean and well maintained. Keep ps3 out of closed spaces so it wouldnt overheat.

Does chargeing an ipod on a ps3 break it?

To be honest .. Idk .. I had the YLOD on my ps3 because my sister charged her iPod over nice and then I send it to Sony to fix nd then I had an iPod touch and I want to play music then later It happen again with the YLOD ..

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Ps3 Slim.

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The ps3 slim doesn't overheat