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The ps3 slim doesn't overheat

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Q: Why does the PS3 slim overheat?
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Does PS3 slim overheat?

NO! As crazy as it sounds the ps3 slim is built with a faster proceser and no fan and since the technology advanced it will not ovrheet

Does the PS3 slim get hot fast?

It has a cooler causing it to never overheat as many have said.

Is PS3 silm better than PS3 fat?

Slim, doesn't overheat, quite, no smudging, lighter to move, though fat can play PS3 , PS2 games and PS2 slim can only play ps1 and ps3.

Does the PlayStation three overheat?

Mine has never overheated and I don't know of a PS3 slim that has had problems. The below answer may be from someone with an older fat PS3 yes playstation does overheat like in 8 hours so dont play long

Which lasts longer PS3 or PS3 slim?

PS3 slim

Xbox 360 slim vs PS3 slim?

PS3 slim

Are ps3 slim better than xbox?

Ps3 Slim.

Is a PS3 or PS3 slim better?

Ps3 slim is much better! More attractive!

Where should you put your ps3 slim?

In a nice cool place ( i.e, a basement etc. ) preferably away from a window, heater etc., so it doesn't overheat

Which one is more powerful the PS3 or the PS3 slim?

The original PS3 is "technically" superior. But, the PS3 slim consumes less power, and is smaller. There isn't as much heat with the slim... Personally, I prefer the Original PS3 over the slim.

Does the PS3 slim come with a game?

No, the PS3 slim does not come with a game.

Is the DSI better then PS3 slim?

no its not ps3 slim is way better