

Best Answer

Only those that specifically say they destroy a card(s) on the field.

Stardust can negate cards such as Mirror Force, Heavy Storm, Bottomless Trap Hole, Crush Card Virus (if it would destroy at least one monster), Mystical Space Typhoon, ....

It can't negate cards such as Giant Trunade, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Dimensional Prison, D.D. Assailant, Reinforcements of the Army, ...

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Q: Can stardust dragon destroy any spell or trap?
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Can Stardust Dragon's effect stop Hyper Synchron's effect?

No, "Stardust Dragon" cannot stop the effect of "Hyper Synchron". "Stardust Dragon"'s effect only activates when a Spell, Trap or Monster effect activates that involves destroying cards. "Hyper Synchron" only increases a monster's ATK.EDIT: Then at the End Pahse it destroys said monster and sends it out of play. i think in theory you can, but Stardust will lose the ATK boost when it is Special Summoned back to the Field. REAGAN SMASH!!!!!!!!!!EDIT/Corvette4t: No, Stardust Dragon, as stated in the first sentence, can only Negate the effects of cards that Destroy. Hyper Synchron's effect does NOT Destroy; it only Removes from Play. This means that Stardust Dragon cannot be chained to the effect of Hyper Synchron as Removing from Play and Destroying are two completely different concepts. However, if the effect of Hyper Synchron was stated like Bottomless Trap Hole, "...Destroy and Remove from Play...", then yes, you could chain Stardust Dragon to it.Stardust DragonWIND/Dragon/8/EffectATK/ 2500 DEF/ 20001 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monstersYou can Tribute this card to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card or Effect Monster's effect that destroys a card(s) on the field and destroy that card. If you negate an effect this way, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard during your End Phase.Hyper SynchronLIGHT/Machine/4/Tuner/EffectATK/ 1600 DEF/ 800If this card is sent to the Graveyard for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type Monster, that Synchro Monster gains 800 ATK, and it is Removed from Play during the End Phase.

Can Stardust Dragon negate Tytannial Princess of Camellias?

Sometimes it can, sometimes it can't. Stardust Dragon says;"You can Tribute this card to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that destroys a card(s) on the field, and destroy that card."Tytannial says;"You can Tribute 1 face-up Plant-Type monster you control to negate the activation of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect that targets a card(s) on the field and destroy it."Stardust Dragon can only negate effects that will destroy a card on the field - and while Tytannial can certainly negate and destroy cards like that, her effect can be used against cards that are not on the field too. She only cares about the location of the target, not the location of the effect.So, a few examples.Player A uses Snipe Hunter, picking a target. Because it is a targetted effect, Tytannial can chain to this with her negation effect. Because her effect will be destroying a card on the field, Stardust Dragon can use its negation effect against her.Player A uses Exiled Force, picking a target. Because it is a targetted effect, Tytannial can chain to this with her negation effect. However, since Exiled Force goes to the graveyard as a cost, Tytannial will not be destroying a monster on the field. Stardust Dragon is unable to chain with its negation effect.

What monster effects can negate Counter Trap effects in Yu-Gi-Oh?

No monster can chain to a Counter Trap in order to negate the activation. Quick monster effects are spell speed 2, and only Counter Traps can chain to Counter Traps, spell speed 3. So cards like Light and Darkness Dragon and Stardust Dragon can't be used against them. Some monsters can prevent the activation of Counter Traps such as Jinzo. A few others have continuous effects that negate all trap effects. Sky Scourge Invicil is one, when summoned with a Dark monster as tribute.

Can Bottomless Trap Hole destroy Slifer the Sky Dragon?

According to the effects of Slifer the Sky Dragon given in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia, Bottomless Trap Hole may not be activated when it is Tribute Summoned onto the field. It clearly states that "...when this card is Normal Summoned, the effects of Spell, Trap, and Effect Monster Cards cannot be activated..."Slifer the Sky Dragon can be destroyed afterwards by cards that do not target it, such as Mirror Force, or Widespread Ruin.

Can you destroy Slifer the Sky Dragon with a trap card?

Yes, Slifer and any other Egyptian God card can be destroyed by trap cards. More specifically, traps that don't target, like "Mirror Force", and traps that negate effects and destroy, like "Divine Wrath".

Related questions

Can Stardust Dragon negate cards in the Graveyard?

Yes, if a card effect activating from the Graveyard will destroy a monster, Spell, or Trap card "Stardust Dragon" can be activated to negate the effect. Even though "Stardust Dragon" states that it destroys and negates cards, it can still negate an effect resolving in the Graveyard; the card in the Graveyard simply will not/ cannot be destroyed.

Can 'Bottomless Trap Hole' remove from play 'Stardust Dragon'?

Yes, it can. However Bottomless Trap Hole is a card that destroys, so Stardust Dragon can be used to negate it, even if it was used in response to Stardust Dragon's own summon. The Bottomless Trap Hole will be negated and destroyed in that case.

Can stardust dragon be killed by trap hole?

Yes, but only if Stardust Dragon was to be flipped face-down. If the controller Flip Summoned it, then Trap Hole can be used. More than likely though Stardust Dragon will simply activate its negation effect. Apart from that, Stardust Dragon can only ever arrive on the field by Special Summon, so Trap Hole cannot be used there.

Can Stardust Dragon negate a Bottomless Trap Hole targeting it in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Bottomless Trap Hole does not target due to the way it can remove multiple monsters. If Bottomless Trap Hole is activated, then Stardust Dragon can be used against it, even if Bottomless Trap Hole was activated in response to Stardust Dragon's own summon.

Can Stardust Dragon Use its Effect anytime?

yes star dust dragon can use its effect anytime in the game unless you have used one of your spell or trap cards or effectd

Is 'Stardust Dragon' affected by 'Bottomless Trap Hole' in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Bottomless Trap Hole destroys monsters as well as removing them, meaning Stardust Dragon can chain to and negate it.

In Yu-Gi-Oh can 'Stardust Dragon' negate 'Bottomless Trap Hole'?

Bottomless Trap Hole destroys the summoned monster as well as removing it, meaning that Stardust Dragon can tribute itself to chain its negating Quick Effect to BTH's activation. This negation effect will resolve, negating and destroying Bottomless Trap Hole. Then in the end phase, Stardust Dragon will summon itself to the field.

Can Stardust Dragon's effect stop Hyper Synchron's effect?

No, "Stardust Dragon" cannot stop the effect of "Hyper Synchron". "Stardust Dragon"'s effect only activates when a Spell, Trap or Monster effect activates that involves destroying cards. "Hyper Synchron" only increases a monster's ATK.EDIT: Then at the End Pahse it destroys said monster and sends it out of play. i think in theory you can, but Stardust will lose the ATK boost when it is Special Summoned back to the Field. REAGAN SMASH!!!!!!!!!!EDIT/Corvette4t: No, Stardust Dragon, as stated in the first sentence, can only Negate the effects of cards that Destroy. Hyper Synchron's effect does NOT Destroy; it only Removes from Play. This means that Stardust Dragon cannot be chained to the effect of Hyper Synchron as Removing from Play and Destroying are two completely different concepts. However, if the effect of Hyper Synchron was stated like Bottomless Trap Hole, "...Destroy and Remove from Play...", then yes, you could chain Stardust Dragon to it.Stardust DragonWIND/Dragon/8/EffectATK/ 2500 DEF/ 20001 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monstersYou can Tribute this card to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card or Effect Monster's effect that destroys a card(s) on the field and destroy that card. If you negate an effect this way, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard during your End Phase.Hyper SynchronLIGHT/Machine/4/Tuner/EffectATK/ 1600 DEF/ 800If this card is sent to the Graveyard for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type Monster, that Synchro Monster gains 800 ATK, and it is Removed from Play during the End Phase.

Can Stardust Dragon negate Tytannial Princess of Camellias?

Sometimes it can, sometimes it can't. Stardust Dragon says;"You can Tribute this card to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that destroys a card(s) on the field, and destroy that card."Tytannial says;"You can Tribute 1 face-up Plant-Type monster you control to negate the activation of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect that targets a card(s) on the field and destroy it."Stardust Dragon can only negate effects that will destroy a card on the field - and while Tytannial can certainly negate and destroy cards like that, her effect can be used against cards that are not on the field too. She only cares about the location of the target, not the location of the effect.So, a few examples.Player A uses Snipe Hunter, picking a target. Because it is a targetted effect, Tytannial can chain to this with her negation effect. Because her effect will be destroying a card on the field, Stardust Dragon can use its negation effect against her.Player A uses Exiled Force, picking a target. Because it is a targetted effect, Tytannial can chain to this with her negation effect. However, since Exiled Force goes to the graveyard as a cost, Tytannial will not be destroying a monster on the field. Stardust Dragon is unable to chain with its negation effect.

What card can destroy star dust dragon?

You could use a Counter Trap against it. It is unable to use its Spell Speed 2 Quick Effect against a Counter Trap.

Can you bottomless trap hole stardust dragon assault mode after its affect brings it back from the grave?

Yes, you can, it is a special summon and can be responded to as normal. However it is more than likely that the monster's controller will simply tribute it to negate and destroy Bottomless Trap Hole, then resummon the dragon in the same end phase.

What card can beat stardust dragon?

most spell cards that destroy monsters like dark hole or raigeki and some kinds of syncho monsters like majestic star dragon or the god cards. the best way is to stall for time with trap cards like wabuku and scrap iron scarecrow until you get a powerful card like cyber jar.