No, "Stardust Dragon" cannot stop the effect of "Hyper Synchron". "Stardust Dragon"'s effect only activates when a Spell, Trap or Monster effect activates that involves destroying cards. "Hyper Synchron" only increases a monster's ATK.
EDIT: Then at the End Pahse it destroys said monster and sends it out of play. i think in theory you can, but Stardust will lose the ATK boost when it is Special Summoned back to the Field. REAGAN SMASH!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT/Corvette4t: No, Stardust Dragon, as stated in the first sentence, can only Negate the effects of cards that Destroy. Hyper Synchron's effect does NOT Destroy; it only Removes from Play. This means that Stardust Dragon cannot be chained to the effect of Hyper Synchron as Removing from Play and Destroying are two completely different concepts. However, if the effect of Hyper Synchron was stated like Bottomless Trap Hole, "...Destroy and Remove from Play...", then yes, you could chain Stardust Dragon to it.
Stardust Dragon
ATK/ 2500 DEF/ 2000
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
You can Tribute this card to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card or Effect Monster's effect that destroys a card(s) on the field and destroy that card. If you negate an effect this way, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard during your End Phase.
Hyper Synchron
ATK/ 1600 DEF/ 800
If this card is sent to the Graveyard for the Synchro Summon of a Dragon-Type Monster, that Synchro Monster gains 800 ATK, and it is Removed from Play during the End Phase.
no it does not because stardust only stops effects that "destroy" a card(s) "remove" is different and therefore stardust cannot negate the effect Also you can get a card called divine wrath in a pack and negate it. - [Kaizoku] -Stardust Dragon/Assault mode can, Stardust Dragon can only negate destruction.
Hyper beam is a normal type move, normal type moves don't effect ghost types at all. In other words, Ghost types are strong against Hyper Beam.
Special. Another move called Giga Impact is similar to Hyper Beam, but it's a physical move instead. Same damage and side-effect.
Hyper beam is a physical move, if it was a special it would effect ghosts. that is incorrect i do not no if its physical or special but ghost type are immune to fighting, ground and normal not physical because it can be hit by aerial ace
Just pee. You'll get hyper.
no it does not because stardust only stops effects that "destroy" a card(s) "remove" is different and therefore stardust cannot negate the effect Also you can get a card called divine wrath in a pack and negate it. - [Kaizoku] -Stardust Dragon/Assault mode can, Stardust Dragon can only negate destruction.
Sugar can cause you to be hyper.
It can be a good deck. you just need the cards to go with it. Like you need Quilbolt hedgehog, hes a good card to go with a synchron deck. also junk, Nitro, Road, Turbo, Quick, and hyper Synchrons. and then you need cards that help bring them out.
Hyper hammerheads effect has to resolve before spirit reapers effect would destroy itself. So spirit reaper will be returned to your hand by hammerheads effect and your reaper will not be destroyed.
Yes. During the Damage Step, Hyper Hammerhead is flipped face-up, damage to monsters is calculated, then any damage to a player's Life Points is made. Next, the effect of Hyper Hammerhead activates (if it is destroyed by battle, its effect activates at the same time that it is sent to the Graveyard. This all occurs at the end of the Damage Step.) returning the attacking monster to the owner's hand.For more information regarding Hyper Hammerhead and its effects, click on the "Related Link" below.
No, it removes the summoned Synchro monster.
Hyper beam is a normal type move, normal type moves don't effect ghost types at all. In other words, Ghost types are strong against Hyper Beam.
Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves exaggeration for emphasis or effect. It is used to create a dramatic or humorous effect by overstating something.
Special. Another move called Giga Impact is similar to Hyper Beam, but it's a physical move instead. Same damage and side-effect.
Soda contains caffeine and sugar, which can contribute to increased energy and alertness in some individuals. However, this effect varies from person to person, so not everyone may experience feeling hyper after consuming soda.
You're going to want a lot of Cards that get good tuners and monsters on the field. I run a Stardust Dragon/AM deck, but the basics are still there. Use high level tuners like Hyper Synchron and Tune Warrior, and have boost cards like Noisy Gnat and Synchro Boost. Of course, if the levels are too high, also put in a Silent Strider and/or Miniaturize. Demotion also works well, and Lightwave tuning is you plan to run some level 4 LIGHT monsters. Stardust's effect allows you to protect the monsters on your field, but you should have cards to protect your Dragon as well. Scrap-Iron scarecrow is always good, as well as Sakuretsu armor and Magic Cylinder.
Hyper Hyper was created on 1994-05-26.