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ok, so i just got a new dsi for Christmas and i was looking online if i can send/receive pics in the dsi (via pictochat). and well, YOU CAN! but you cant do it for the ds. well heres how you do it: you got to the dsi camera and click on other (in the home page for the camera). then, click on exchange. them, if you want to send a picture, click send and if youre going to receive a picture, click receive. to do these things, you need to tell the otehr person/ people to do so too. example: if youre going to send a photo to lets say... 3 people, ypu click send and the otehr people click receive. ive never actually tried it, so i don't know what to do afterwards. im glad you took your time to read all this and i hope u enjoy ur dsi!

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Q: Can pictures be sent over pictochat on the dsi?
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Is there a WiFi pictochat on the Nintendo DSi?

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yes but the dsi already comes with it. it is pictochat

How do you access pictochat on ds?

On a Nintendo DS or DSLite, the Pictochat application can be found on the home menu. If you have your system set to boot to the game without going through the main menu, take the game card out before starting the system. On the DSi or DSi XL, the Pictochat application will be on your DSi menu.

Does the DSI XL have pictochat?

yes the dsi can video chat but you need a speical wifi thing that hooks up to your tv

How do you connect a DSi to another DSi?

in pictochat or download playSimple! Use your DS Download Play!

Can a dsi text?

A DSI can not text but can pictochat which baseiclay means chat with another ds/dsi within a 12foot radious

Can you chat from the Nintendo ds to the Nintendo DSi?

Only with Pictochat

How do you text on DSI?

go on pictochat and select a studio with a friend

What are some hacks for dsi?

There is Lots Of Secrets Here some! -colour in pictochat if you click the draw button twice you get to colour on pictochat -Super Mario Song go to dsi sound and tap "Record and edit a sound" then wait about 30 odd secs then the Mario song comes on! -New Faces in pictochat If you take the :) in pictochat and over lap it with :| you get a diffrent face you can aso mix other faces too -Brandon

How do you use PictoChat on Nintendo DSi?

The same way as Ds lite