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Yes, Ivysaur is able to learn Cut.

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Q: Can ivysaur learn cut
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What level does Ivysaur learn cut on Pokemon orange?

Ummm....I don't think it can learn cut because cut is an HM.

At what level will Ivysaur learn sweet scent on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Ivysaur will learn sweet scent at level 29 in Pokemon fire red and left green.

Can Bulbasaur learn solarbeam?

bulbasaur can't learn solarbeam without a TM it can only learn it if it evolves into ivysaur or venusaur if still unsure go to serebii or marriland

What Pokemon can learn flash in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The Pokemon are Bulbasaur, Ivysaur,Venusaur, Geodude, Abra that's all I know!

What level ivysaur evoles?

Ivysaur evolves at level 32.

What is Ivysaur?

Ivysaur is a Grass-Poison-type evolved from Bulbasaur.

What level does Bulbasaur learn sleep powder?

Bulbasaur learns it at level 41. (Ivysaur learns it at 46 and Venusaur learns it at 55)

What type is the Pokemon Ivysaur?

Ivysaur is a Grass/Poison-type Pokemon.

Which Pokemon can use cut in Pokemon Blue?

In Generation I (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow), the Pokemon who can use cut are: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Beedrill, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebell, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Farfetch'd, Krabby, Kingler, Lickitung, Tangele, Scyther, Pinsir, and Mew. In Pokemon Yellow, Kabutops, Diglett, and Dugtrio can also learn Cut.

Can hoppip learn cut?

no, it cannot learn cut.

Can metapod learn cut?

It cannot learn Cut.

What level does Meowth learn Cut?

It doesn't learn Cut by level, though it can learn it through the Cut HM.