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Cheer Chost Dark Master is not a real card; therefore, the answer to this question cannot be determined.

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How much is your cheer ghost dark master worth?

Less than one Australian dollar. The reason for this is because there is no such thing as a CHEER GHOST DARK MASTER in yugioh, unless you are looking at a counterfeit card. I think you must be thinking about CHEER CHOST DARK MASTER. Which is still not a real card. Try selling it on eBay for 5 AU. Maybe if you did this someone in the world would come along and buy it. Sorry to tell you this. :(

What do you tribute to summon cheer ghost dark master?

It's a fake card, it's not real.

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Twilight of the Dark Master was created in 1997.

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The duration of Twilight of the Dark Master is 2700.0 seconds.

Is Exodia the Dark Master real?

No, there is no authentic card called "Exodia the Dark Master".

Is exzodia the dark master fake or not?

Yes it is fake, there is no such card as Exodia the Dark Master

Can you use exodia the dark master?

'Exodia the Dark Master' is a fake card and cannot be used.

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I have beast quest master your destiny the dark cauldron do you?

How do you tell if exodia the dark master is fake?

If you have a card called "Exodia the Dark Master", then it is a fake. There is no authentic card with that name.

How much is a exodia the dark master worth?

The card named 'Exodia the Dark Master' is a counterfeit card, and not worth anything.

What 2 cards do you have to tribute to summon exodia the dark master?

'Exodia the Dark Master' is a fake card. There is no real card of that name.

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In the past, they were master and student.