unfortunatley, exeggutor cant learn cut. the only HM it can learn is strength
It still doesn't!
Look it up on Serebii.net it has every thing you can think of about Pokemon in all of the games
It can't learn that move cause it doesn't exist in leafgreen.
A typlosion can learn explsion
Exeggutor does not learn solar beam at any natural level. To teach it solar beam you must get the TM first and use it on the Exeggutor.
Leaf stone on Exeggute. They cannot be found in the wild
It still doesn't!
i am personally a fan of exeggutor
In Pokemon Leaf Green, Exeggcute (into Exeggutor) Gloom (into Vileplume), Weepinbell (into Victreebel)
Look it up on Serebii.net it has every thing you can think of about Pokemon in all of the games
In Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen and Emerald, Exeggutor will learn Egg Boomb at Level 31 however in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, White, Black 2 and White 2, it will learn it at Level 27.
It can't learn that move cause it doesn't exist in leafgreen.
misdreavus can learn dark, ghost, psychic and thunder type move. like shadow ball, thunderbolt, psybeam, and spite. pain split is the move that only misdreavus will be able to learn. -it is a move that cut's the hp of the opponent through the pain you have, and the hp that was cut was added to yours.
he can learn zap cannon
A typlosion can learn explsion