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No. They can't. Alakazam is in the Human-like egg group, while Gardevoir is in the Amorphous egg group. Thus, due to having different egg groups, they cannot breed.

However, Alakazam can breed with Machamp, Cacturne and even Lopunny! Also, Gardevoir can breed with ghosts like Gengar and even Muk, a pile of sludge! Yuck!

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Peach Girl

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βˆ™ 3y ago
Well, they can now! After all, Pokemon Sword and Shield made Gardevoir part of the Human-like egg group!

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No im afriad not, to breed the two Pokemon must be of the same type and different genders

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No, Celebi cannot be hatched from an egg. In addition, Alakazam and Meganium cannot breed with each other.

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you cant get a gardevior egg it'll end out as a lv.1 ralts(measly)

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In my opinion, either Alakazam or Gardevoir because they both are found in the beginning (although Ralts learns confusion fast, where as Abra doesn't learn a move until level 16 when it evolves into Kadabra) and have high special attack stats. Also if you play emerald alone and don't have anyone to trade with then definitely get Gardevoir because to get Alakazam you have to trade Kadabra which sometimes is hard to do/can't do until later in the game. This is just my opinion.

When do you try to breed?

when ever you either want another of a rare Pokemon.... breed it with a ditto... or you just want to get another of a Pokemon you like... or if you getting Celebi..... Chikorita breed it with an alakazam

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Lucario ;) Also almost any other Pshychic type Pokemon.

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