Why could it not? In R/S/E you will hatch a level 5 ralts. in P/D/P you will get a level one ralts.
Pokemon in the same egg-group as gardevoir
No. They can't. Alakazam is in the Human-like egg group, while Gardevoir is in the Amorphous egg group. Thus, due to having different egg groups, they cannot breed. However, Alakazam can breed with Machamp, Cacturne and even Lopunny! Also, Gardevoir can breed with ghosts like Gengar and even Muk, a pile of sludge! Yuck!
No im afriad not, to breed the two Pokemon must be of the same type and different genders
you cant get gardevoir but you can catch either ralts or kirlia and evolve it int gardevoir(ralts to kirlia to gardevoir to gallade
gardevoir is pyschic so dark
Pokemon in the same egg-group as gardevoir
No. They can't. Alakazam is in the Human-like egg group, while Gardevoir is in the Amorphous egg group. Thus, due to having different egg groups, they cannot breed. However, Alakazam can breed with Machamp, Cacturne and even Lopunny! Also, Gardevoir can breed with ghosts like Gengar and even Muk, a pile of sludge! Yuck!
No im afriad not, to breed the two Pokemon must be of the same type and different genders
you cant get a gardevior egg it'll end out as a lv.1 ralts(measly)
Lucario ;) Also almost any other Pshychic type Pokemon.
you cant get gardevoir but you can catch either ralts or kirlia and evolve it int gardevoir(ralts to kirlia to gardevoir to gallade
Gardevoir is 106.7 lbs.
No gallade can not be a girl but you can get gardevoir as a girl.
gardevoir is pyschic so dark
You get Gardevoir by evolving Ralts to first Kirlia at lvl 20 and it will evolve to Gardevoir at lvl 30
You can breed it with a Ditto. Well i just bred my female Blaziken with a male Absol and now i have 8 torchicks 2 combuskens and 5 blazikens I have a female blaziken and i bred it with a male linoone.