Yes. It will be destroyed by battle by anything that has an ATK of 1 or higher (A monster with 0 ATK cannot destroy another with 0 ATK even though they are equal and normally equal attacks mean mutual destruction.
A monster's ATK can never drop below 0. If a card effect would reduce a monster's ATK below 0, it simply becomes 0.
Well, a lack of specifics prompts me to tell everything. Each monster has a specific amount of ATK (Attack Points) and DEF (Defense Points), depicted at the bottom of the card. Generally, the points will be multiples of 100, though there are several that end in 50 and a few with other numbers, but those were only released in the early stages of the game; aside from their re-releases, there haven't been any since. Also, no card released has had any basic ATK or DEF below 0 or above 5000.A monster with ATK and DEF of less than 1000 is considered weak; between 1000 and 2000 is average; between 2000 and 3000 is powerful; between 3000 and 4000 is exceptionally powerful; anything higher...well, let's just say you don't want to mess with anything like that if you're not an experienced Duelist, and usually not even then.Generally, monsters with 0 ATK have a strong DEF and/or an effect that can compensate, and likewise, monsters with 0 DEF will have a strong ATK and/or an effect. And for monsters that have 0 ATK and DEF, they ALWAYS have a special effect to help them out. Well, okay, not always, but at last count there were only three exceptions, and their usefulness is revealed when combined with certain cards that they're meant for.Now, in terms of gameplay; first, bear in mind that the following descriptions are the basic rules of the game, but there is at least one exception to almost everything mentioned here by means of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster card.Monsters can be Normal Summoned in face-up Attack Position or Set in face-down Defense Position. Monsters can change their positions once per turn. Face-down Defense Position monsters are flipped face-up when they switch to Attack Position. Face-up monsters cannot be flipped face-down. Monsters can only attack if they're in Attack Position. Monsters cannot change into Defense Position in the same turn that they attack or the same turn they are Summoned. Monsters in Attack Position are placed vertically, right-side up in the perspective of the card's controller. Monsters in Defense Position are placed horizontally.When a monster attacks another monster in Attack Position, one of three things happens:1. If the attacking monster has greater ATK than the monster it attacks, the attacked monster is destroyed and the controller of that monster loses Life Points equal to the difference between the two monsters' ATK.2. If the attacking monster has less ATK than the monster it attacks, the attacking monster is destroyed and the controller of that monster loses Life Points equal to the difference between the two monsters' ATK.3. If the attacking monster has equal ATK to the monster it attacks, both monsters are destroyed and neither player loses Life Points.When a monster attacks a monster in Defense Position, one of three things happens:1. If the attacking monster has greater ATK than the DEF of the monster it attacks, the attacked monster is destroyed and the controller of that monster loses no Life Points.2. If the attacking monster has less ATK than the DEF of the monster it attacks, neither monster is destroyed and the controller of the attacking monster loses Life Points equal to the difference between the attacking monster's ATK and the attacked monster's DEF.3. If the attacking monster has equal ATK to the DEF of the monster it attacks, neither monster is destroyed and neither player loses Life Points.One last note: if a monster attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, it is flipped face-up, but stays in Defense Position.And that is everything you need to know about ATK and DEF.
Copycat copies the chosen monster's Original ATK and DEF. Ra's effect only changes its Current ATK, not Original ATK, so Copycat will end up copying the ?/? only, which will equate to 0/0 if involved in battle, etc.
Unless the effect of a card states otherwise, when anydefense position card is attacked by an attack stronger then your defense, the difference is not subtracted from your life points.
They cannot die but they can run away. If you don't feed your monster, its health and happiness will soon go to 0, but they won't die.
A monster's ATK can never drop below 0. If an effect would bring a monster's ATK into the negatives, it instead becomes 0. A monster is destroyed if the ATK of a monster is become 0 or lower if it was the effect of Slifer the Sky Dragon.
A monster's ATK can never drop below 0. If a card effect would reduce a monster's ATK below 0, it simply becomes 0.
ANY Level 4 Monster with that much ATK would have some drawback. Here's a list for you, accurate as of October 2015, but bear in mind that I'm only listing the drawbacks:Alexandrite Dragon - Normal Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 100Gene-Warped Warwolf - Normal Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 100Mystery Shell Dragon - Normal Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0Phantom Gryphon - Normal Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0Archfiend General - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 800; destroyed if the Field Spell "Pandemonium" is not in play.Armor Exe - Effect Monster, ATK: 2400/DEF: 1400; destroyed unless you remove 1 Spell Counter from your side of the Field at every Standby Phase.Axe Dragunite - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1200; changes to Defense Position after it attacks.Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; destroyed when targeted for an attack.Berserk Gorilla - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000; destroyed if it is in face-up Defense Position, and must attack if able.Boar Soldier - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 500; must be Flip Summoned, destroyed if Normal Summoned, and loses 1000 ATK if your opponent controls any monsters.Bujin Hirume - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000; must first be Special Summoned by Banishing a "Bujin" monster other than "Bujin Hirume" from your Graveyard, and you can only control 1 "Bujin Hirume".Cave Dragon - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 100; cannot be Normal Summoned if you control a monster, and cannot attack if you do not control another Dragon.Chainsaw Insect - Effect Monster, ATK: 2400/DEF: 0; your opponent Draws a card after it attacks successfully.Dark Elf - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 800; you must pay 1000 Life Points for it to attack.Elemental HERO Captain Gold - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 800; destroyed if the Field Spell "Skyscraper" is not in play.Flash Assailant - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 2000; loses 400 ATK and DEF for every card in your hand.Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; destroyed during the End Phase.Galaxy Dragun - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1200; can only attack Dragon-Types.Giant Kozaky - Effect Monster, ATK: 2500/DEF: 2400; destroyed and deals 2500 damage to its controller if the monster "Kozaky" is not face-up on the Field.Giant Orc - Effect Monster, ATK: 2200/DEF: 0; changes to Defense Position after it attacks.Goblin Attack Force - Effect Monster, ATK: 2300/DEF: 0; changes to Defense Position after it attacks.Goblin Elite Attack Force - Effect Monster, ATK: 2200/DEF: 1500; changes to Defense Position after it attacks.Gogogo Giant - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; changes to Defense Position after it attacks.Gogogo Goram - Effect Monster, ATK: 2300/DEF: 0; changes its Battle Position when it is Summoned.Heraldic Beast Leo - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000; destroyed during the End Phase if it was Normal Summoned.Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei - Effect Monster, ATK: 2300/DEF: 0; changes to Defense Position after it attacks.Infernal Dragon - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; destroyed during the End Phase if it attacked.Jirai Gumo - Effect Monster, ATK: 2200/DEF: 100; requires you to toss a coin and call it whenever it attacks, and you lose half of your Life Points if you call it wrong.Karakuri Muso MDL 818 "Haipa" - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 1100; must attack if able, and changes to Defense Position after it attacks.Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 200; destroyed during the End Phase unless you reveal a Warrior in your hand or send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" Spell Card from your hand to the Graveyard.Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 1600; destroyed during the End Phase unless you reveal a Normal Trap in your hand or send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" Spell Card from your hand to the Graveyard.Koa'ki Meiru Urnight - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1500; destroyed during the End Phase unless you reveal a Beast-Warrior in your hand or send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" Spell Card from your hand to the Graveyard.Lionhearted Locomotive - Effect Monster, ATK: 2400/DEF: 2100; ATK decreases to 1200 whenever it attacks, until the end of the Damage Step.Mecha Phantom Beast Sabre Hawk - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 100; cannot attack directly, and cannot attack at all if you have a monster in your Graveyard that is not a "Mecha Phantom Beast".Mist Valley Falcon - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1200; cannot attack unless you return one card you control to its owner's hand.Naturia Spiderfang - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 400; can only attack on a turn that your opponent uses an effect.Nuvia the Wicked - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 800; destroyed if Normal Summoned, and loses 200 ATK for each monster your opponent controls.Opera the Melodious Diva - Effect Monster, ATK: 2300/DEF: 1000; cannot attack during the turn it is Summoned or flipped face-up.Overlay Sentinel - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; cannot be Special Summoned, and changes to Defense Position when Normal Summoned.Panther Warrior - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1600; cannot attack unless you Tribute 1 monster you control.Photon Crusher - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; changes to Defense Position after it attacks.Photon Thrasher - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 0; cannot be Normal Summoned/Set, must first be Special Summoned from your hand while you control no monsters, and cannot attack if you control any other monsters.Princess Curran - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; can only be Summoned by the effect of the Equip Spell "Trial of the Princesses".Princess Pikeru - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; can only be Summoned by the effect of the Equip Spell "Trial of the Princesses".Rare Metal Dragon - Effect Monster, ATK: 2400/DEF: 1200; cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.Scrap Kong - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000; destroyed when Normal Summoned.Scrap Shark - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 0; destroyed when an effect is activated while it is face-up.Shadowknight Archfiend - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1600; you MUST pay 900 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases, and any Battle Damage it inflicts to your opponent is halved.Skull Conductor - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; destroyed if face-up at the end of the Battle Phase.Speedroid Razorang - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 0; cannot attack during the turn it is Normal Summoned.Susa Soldier - Effect/Spirit Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1600; returns to the hand at the End Phase, and any Battle Damage it inflicts to your opponent is halved.Tardy Orc - Effect Monster, ATK: 2200/DEF: 0; cannot attack during the turn it is Normal Summoned.Terrorking Archfiend - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1500; cannot be Normal of Flip Summoned unless you control an "Archfiend", and you MUST pay 800 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases.The Unfriendly Amazon - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000; destroyed unless you Tribute a monster during each of your Standby Phases.Toon Goblin Attack Force - Effect Monster, ATK: 2300/DEF: 0; destroyed if the Continuous Spell "Toon World" is destroyed, and changes to Defense Position after it attacks.Tyr of the Nordic Champions - Effect Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 2000; destroyed if there is no other "Nordic" monster on the Field.Worm Rakuyeh - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 1200; can only attack on the turn it is flipped face-up, and flips into face-down Defense Position after it attacks.Wulf, Lightsworn Beast - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 300; cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.Zeradias, Herald of Heaven - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 800; destroyed if the Field Spell "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is not in play.Zombyra the Dark - Effect Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 500; cannot attack directly, and loses 200 ATK each time it destroys a monster.Elder Entity Norden - Fusion Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 2200; requires 2 Synchro or Xyz Monsters (or one of each) to Fusion Summon.Gishki Psychelone - Ritual Monster, ATK: 2150/DEF: 1650Nekroz of Unicore - Ritual Monster, ATK: 2300/DEF:1000; cannot be Special Summoned except by Ritual Summon, and negates the effects of all monsters Summoned from the Extra Deck.Dark Diviner - Synchro Monster, ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000Old Entity Hastorr - Synchro Monster, ATK: 2300/DEF: 1000The Fabled Kudabbi - Synchro Monster, ATK: 2200/DEF: 1100; destroyed during the End Phase if you have 3 or more cards in your hand.The Fabled Unicore - Synchro Monster, ATK: 2300/DEF: 1000Underworld Fighter Balmung - Synchro Monster, ATK: 2100/DEF: 800
Tokens cannot be placed on face-down monsters.When "Venom Swamp" activates all face-up monsters that do not have "Venom" in their card name receive one Venom Counterand for each counter, the monster loses 500 ATK. Once a monster's attack is reduced to 0 by Venom Counters it is automatically destroyed. (For example: 1700 ATK monster with 3 Venom Counters loses 1500 ATK and its ATK is now 200. Once it receives another Venom Counter, it's ATK will be reduced to 0 and it's destroyed.)If a monster's original ATK is 0 and it receives a Venom Counter, since its ATK did not become 0 because it already was, it will not be destroyed by the effects of Venom Counters."Venom" monsters can only place Venom Counters on face-up monsters too.
nobody knows if there are a token monster card. there r and they have 0 atk and def effect is it has the effect of wat the moster says like dandylion and horseytail
Well, a lack of specifics prompts me to tell everything. Each monster has a specific amount of ATK (Attack Points) and DEF (Defense Points), depicted at the bottom of the card. Generally, the points will be multiples of 100, though there are several that end in 50 and a few with other numbers, but those were only released in the early stages of the game; aside from their re-releases, there haven't been any since. Also, no card released has had any basic ATK or DEF below 0 or above 5000.A monster with ATK and DEF of less than 1000 is considered weak; between 1000 and 2000 is average; between 2000 and 3000 is powerful; between 3000 and 4000 is exceptionally powerful; anything higher...well, let's just say you don't want to mess with anything like that if you're not an experienced Duelist, and usually not even then.Generally, monsters with 0 ATK have a strong DEF and/or an effect that can compensate, and likewise, monsters with 0 DEF will have a strong ATK and/or an effect. And for monsters that have 0 ATK and DEF, they ALWAYS have a special effect to help them out. Well, okay, not always, but at last count there were only three exceptions, and their usefulness is revealed when combined with certain cards that they're meant for.Now, in terms of gameplay; first, bear in mind that the following descriptions are the basic rules of the game, but there is at least one exception to almost everything mentioned here by means of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster card.Monsters can be Normal Summoned in face-up Attack Position or Set in face-down Defense Position. Monsters can change their positions once per turn. Face-down Defense Position monsters are flipped face-up when they switch to Attack Position. Face-up monsters cannot be flipped face-down. Monsters can only attack if they're in Attack Position. Monsters cannot change into Defense Position in the same turn that they attack or the same turn they are Summoned. Monsters in Attack Position are placed vertically, right-side up in the perspective of the card's controller. Monsters in Defense Position are placed horizontally.When a monster attacks another monster in Attack Position, one of three things happens:1. If the attacking monster has greater ATK than the monster it attacks, the attacked monster is destroyed and the controller of that monster loses Life Points equal to the difference between the two monsters' ATK.2. If the attacking monster has less ATK than the monster it attacks, the attacking monster is destroyed and the controller of that monster loses Life Points equal to the difference between the two monsters' ATK.3. If the attacking monster has equal ATK to the monster it attacks, both monsters are destroyed and neither player loses Life Points.When a monster attacks a monster in Defense Position, one of three things happens:1. If the attacking monster has greater ATK than the DEF of the monster it attacks, the attacked monster is destroyed and the controller of that monster loses no Life Points.2. If the attacking monster has less ATK than the DEF of the monster it attacks, neither monster is destroyed and the controller of the attacking monster loses Life Points equal to the difference between the attacking monster's ATK and the attacked monster's DEF.3. If the attacking monster has equal ATK to the DEF of the monster it attacks, neither monster is destroyed and neither player loses Life Points.One last note: if a monster attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, it is flipped face-up, but stays in Defense Position.And that is everything you need to know about ATK and DEF.
Ra's attack and defence is equal to the combined attack and defence of the monsters tributed for its summon. You can also tribute other monsters to increase Ra's attack and defence by that monster. When Ra is summoned from the graveyard (monster reborn etc.) it has 0 attack and defence as no monsters were tributed for it
While still up for interpretation, here are a few examples of cards competing for that title: -Soitsu, a normal monster that has 0 attack and 0 defense -Broken Bamboo Swords, an equip spell that increases it's equipper's attack by 0
Yes. Cards like Wild Tornado can be Set as a monster by the effect of Magical Hats, and when Magical Hats destroys them at the end of the Battle Phase, their effect will activate.Wild Tornado must be destroyed while Set though. If it is attacked, it will flip into a 0/0 monster and be destroyed while face-up. So a Wild Tornado destroyed that way will not activate.
For an attack to be considered 'successful', or for any effects that trigger from battle damage to activate, at least 1 point of damage must be dealt.If somehow a Spirit Reaper has had its ATK reduced to 0 (Burden of the Mighty is one way), then it will not make the opponent discard a card when it attacks. Even though it doesn't say it has to deal damage, the direct attack is not a successful one if no damage is dealt.Likewise, 'Mucus Yolk' has an effect that makes it gain 1000ATK when it deals battle damage to the opponent, but has 0 attack initially. It cannot gain the 1000ATK if it attacks with just 0 ATK, you need to boost it first, and then it gains ATK itself, for later turns.
Yes, there is a real card called Copycat. It was originally released as one of four promo cards given away to people who collected three vouchers from Shonen Jump Magazine. It is a Lv1 LIGHT Spellcaster/Effect monster with ATK 0 and DEF 0, and an effect that reads "When this card is Summoned: Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; this card's ATK and DEF become equal to that monster's original ATK and DEF."
The ultimate nightmare can only be special summoned by yubel terror incarnate. It is not destroyed by battle. You take no battle damage involving it. If it battles with an opponents monster your opponent takes all battle damage and the monster in destroyed at the end of the damage step. Name: Yubel, Ultimate Nightmare Level: 12 ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Type: Fiend Rarity: Secret Rare Attribute: DARK Set ID: PTDN- EN008 The ultimate nightmare can only be special summoned by yubel terror incarnate. It is not destroyed by battle. You take no battle damage involving it. If it battles with an opponents monster your opponent takes all battle damage and the monster is destroyed at the end of the damage step. Name: Yubel, Ultimate Nightmare Level: 12 ATK: 0 DEF: 0 Type: Fiend Rarity: Secret Rare Attribute: DARK Set ID: PTDN- EN008 IN CORRECTED TO IS ITS LEVEL 10 MORON!! XDXD