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it starts with 0 attack point but for every card you hold in your hand it gains 1000 attack points

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Q: How many attack points does 'Slifer the Sky Dragon' have?
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How do you give slifer the sky dragon yu gi oh cards attack points?

None. Considering that Slither is not a sky dragon. Slithering is the way snakes move about. Its a YU-GI-OH! card If I remember correctly, But he means Slifer The Sky Dragon. Funny joke though (Ba Boo Tsss). I looked it up and all it says is X000 attack and X000 defense

How many attack points does Stardust Dragon Assult Mode?

It has 3000 attack points.

How many attack points does 'Five-Headed Dragon' have?

It has 5000ATK.

What is the strongest Egyptian god card?

personally my favorite card is the winged dragon of Ra and Id say he is the strongest. But it really depends because Slifer's attack and Ra's attack vary so either one could be stronger.I wouldn't say Obliesk because who would really summon Ra or Slifer with less than 4000 attack points. But in conclusion id say Ra because slifer can only have up to 6000 attack due to the rules of how many cards you can have in your hand. So say you tribute 3 blue eyes white dragons to summon ra then he would have 9000 attack. So unless you play the card infinite cards the Ra would probably be stronger most of the time.

How many attack points does Dark End Dragon have?

Dark End Dragon has 2600 ATK.

How many attack and defense points does stardust-dragon have?

Stardust Dragon has ATK: 2500, DEF: 2000

How many god cards in the world?

3, slifer the sky dragon, obelisk the tormentor, and winged dragon of ra.

What is slifer the sky dragons attack and defence?

it depends on how many cards u have in ur hand

How do you Destroy a god card?

if your refering to the card slifer the sky dragon, obelisk the tormentor and the winged dragon of ra i could help with that. Okay first to kill slifer his attack and defence points get increased by 1000 each card in opponents hand. So beating him is either trying to get many cards out of his hand or just having more attack points than his defence points. Obelisk is simple you just need to have cards that boost your monsters attack and defence over his or a monster starting off with over his such as five god dragon. Last but not least ra is next. See this one is a bit more complicated because ra has the special ability if your opponent allows it to it can drain your opponents life points as much as you opponent wants. Like say your apponent has 400 life points he can command ra to drain it to 1 and ra get 3999. So mainly thow if his life points are already low enough by the time he summons ra he might not use it. Or he just wouldn't know it. Im quite the good duelist myself so these are my answers i hope i helped :)

How many attack points does the most powerful Yugioh card have?

In terms of stats, Dragon Master Knight and Five-Headed Dragon each have 5000 ATK and DEF.

How do you destoy the god card in Yu-Gi-Oh?

You can't with a spell, trap or card effect as these don't affect the Egyptian gods. You may a. For slifer make the opponent discard their hand and leave slifer powerless and then attack b. Destroy all other monsters on the field if obelisk is on the field as he won't be able to tribut them and then not be destroyed by battle c.decrease all the attack points of the monsters you opponent controls before tributing for ra an make sure your opponent doesn't have many life points

Can a five headed dragon kill a mirror wall?

depends on how many life points your opponent offered. If they offered 4000 or less, than yes. five headed dragon can attack