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No. It has to be registered to the account it was originally registerd to.

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Q: Can a new pokewalker work on an old account?
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When you start a new game how do you delete a Pokemon on the pokewaker soul silver to the new game?

well im not entirely sure of your question but by my understandings you are asking how to get a Pokemon on ur pokewalker from an old file to a new file and all i know is you can reset the pokewalkers data by holding L+R+Down on your DS on the "connect to Pokewalker" i belive this will work hope this helps

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yes old age

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You can do this... Buy another Webkinz , start your new account, then send all your old stuff from your old account to your new account whal la!

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no all of your files will be lost

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uhm bye typing in there user name then it might work maybe i think you can do that

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Wait for the new account to arrive and destroy the old account once the new account is received and activated.

What do you do when you loes your pokewaker to Pokemon SoulSilver?

Fortunately, if it's your Pokemon that's on the walk you are worried about you CAN retrieve it :] To get your Pokemon back, go to the pokewalker screen and hold: Up + Select + R If by any chance you get a new Pokewalker or find your old one, you will need to reset it, this can be done by connecting the pokewalker to the game and holding: Down + X + L Good luck :D

Can you keep old data on Pokemon when starting a new game?

well, if you start a new game and save then you lose your old account, but, if you do NOT save on your new account then you can still play your old one

When an account holder's purchase account is about to expire heshe should?

Wait for the new account to arrive and destroy the old account once the new account is received and activated.

How do you erase your old account to make a new account in Pokemon ruby version?

at the startclick "NEW GAME"

How do you restart pokeomon?

Yes, you can. You have to do it from your game. In the pokewalker's instruction manual, there is a section on how to reset it with more details. To reset it, hold down X and L on the "connect to pokewalker" screen. It will ask you if you really want to delete your data. After you choose yes, the pokewalker will return to the happy face screen it had when you first opened it. You can now set it up with a new game card, or on the same game card with a new file, or the old file, or whatever else you wan to do. Setup is the same as when you first got it, and the game will retell how to set it up again.

How do you delete a tinier me account?

it is impossible to delete sadly. i tried to but it doesn't work and i asked Shefly(the helpful guidance) she said you cant delete a account. BUT you can me a new account and give all the stuff to your new character your old things. That's what i did sorry if this doesn't help.