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Q: How can you get your old woozworld account back after you deleted it?
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If you delete your twitter account and if you make an new twitter account how do you get your old followers back?

If you've deleted your account, the only way to get your followers back is to ask them to follow you again. If you change your handle without deleting the account, you keep your followers.

Where is my old Friendster account?

Unless you deleted it then it will be on their servers somewhere.

If you have not lodged on to your howrse account for several months and it was deleted your account is there a way to revise it?

No, sorry. If it was deleted, it is gone forever. The same happened to one of my old accounts. :(

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You deleted your Bebo account. When can you rejoin?

Hey! You can re-join bebo at any time after you've deleted your old bebo or it has been deleted! Hope that helps! xOxO

How old is shamwooz on woozworld?

Shamwooz is 500 years old on woozworld

How do you get old apps back if you deleted them?

You have to get them again in the App store.

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Do any trainers in Pokemon white have a frillish?

yes my old account did.It deleted its self somehow.weird.

How can you find a deleted email from Facebook?

i deleted them for like a year ago can i get them back? .. i dont have my old computer that has all pictures no more..

Does prodigy from Mindless Behavior have woozworld?

How old are you...? He is 16 years old. What would he be doing on WoozWorld??

Is your WikiAnswers account deleted if you don't use it for a long time?

No, old accounts are not deleted - we have accounts still in the database from when the site first began!However, if your account is inactive for a long period of time and another active user would like your username, your account may be renamed.