Yes it can. It also might be a good idea if you let Gallade hold a Big Root if it knows Drain Punch. (Big Roots increase the amout of HP you receive after hitting the opponent with a move such as Absorb, Mega Drain, and Dream Eater.)
You have to learn it at the Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver Move Tutors.
Because it would be to much op
Gallade learns close combat at level 53
to get TM drain punch u have to beat maylene in the veilstone gym
buizel doesn't learn ice punch, but floatzel can learn ice punch
It doesn't learn Drain Punch at any level. It, and all other pokemon, only learn Drain Punch through TM60 in Gen IV.
You have to learn it at the Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver Move Tutors.
Pretty good!
Out of the many many many moves Gallade can learn, Perish Song can not be taught to Gallade. My Gallade is Po. I tried before I answered. :(
Because it would be to much op
No, Gallade cannot learn Earthquake through leveling up or TM.
heres a very good moveset for gallade psycic (train ralts up to lvl 28 then evole it to the kiria) leaf blade (give the guy in pastoria city a heart scale) close combat (gallade learns it at lvl 53) and swords dance (gallade learns it at lvl 25 since the ralts went to lvl 28 to learn psycic give the guy in pastroria city a heart scale)
Gallade is unable to learn Signal Beam. Also it is NOT TM (Techincal Machine)
Drain Punch is one of Scraggy's egg moves so you will need to get a female of either Scrafty or Scraggy as well as males of either Smeargle, Treecko, Grovlye, Sceptile, Mienshao, Mienfoo, Lucario, Kecleon or Spinda that knows Drain Punch and then you can put them into the Daycare and then you can get a Pokemon Egg from the Daycare Man that will hatch into a Scraggy that knows Drain Punch.
Gallade is. Garchomp and Gallade can learn Dark Type moves, and Gyrados can learn Ice.
At least you compared 2 Pokemon with the same level and moves. I would say that Gallade would win because of its Ice Punch which does 4X more damage because Tortera is 2 types that are weak against Ice type moves.
Gallade learns close combat at level 53