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Q: Can Scizor learn the move fly in Pokemon platinum?
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Where do you find the move false swipe?

some Pokemon like scizor learn it there is no TM for false can catch a scizor with false swipe on the route you unlock after beating the elite four in diamond pearl and platinum.

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its a move your Pokemon might learn

Can Scizor use the stone edge in Pokemon?

No. Scizor can't use the stone edge move in Pokemon.

Any Pokemon can learn any TM in Pokemon Platinum?

The only Pokemon that can not learn a move is magikarp. Any Pokemon can learn at least one TM

Can you get dive in Pokemon Platiunm?

Dive is not an HM move in Pokemon Platinum. There are, however, Pokemon that can learn it by level up.

Can chingling learn the move rock climb in Pokemon platinum?

chingling can't learn any hms.

What do you do with the color shards in Pokemon platinum?

You can trade them to the move tutors so that your Pokemon can learn different moves.

Can Scizor learn the move brick break?

Well if you tried then no

At what level does shinx learn a new move in Pokemon platinum?

7 8 or 9

When does dragonair learn dragon rush in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Dragonair does not learn Dragon Rush in Pokemon Leafgreen. However, it can learn the move in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum at level 39.

How do you make your Pokemon learn metal claw?

it can neither be taught by TM or tutor so you need to find a Pokemon who learns it by levelling or through breeding scizor, prinplup and metang are examples of Pokemon with this move.

How do you get Pokemon to trust you in platinum?

I don't no how to trust my garchomp I'm trying to learn a move but I have to trust him more