As an Ignition Effect monster, Relinquished can only take a monster in your own turns, in your own main phases. Monsters who can activate in the opponent's turn will usually specifically state so, or be a trigger which activates when a certain condition is met, regardless of turn.
no, it's a normal magic card, you can only use it when it's your turn.
As Destiny Hero - Plasma's equip effect is a "Once Per Turn" effect, yes it can, and the existing monster is destroyed.
The effect he uses to destroy a monster, is an Ignition Effect, so can only be used in your own turns, in your main phases. However his counter-adding effect will add counters in either turn.
"Relinquished" + "Thousand-Eyes Idol" As long as this card remains face-up on the field, other monsters cannot change their battle positions or attack. Select 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field, and equip it to this card (this effect can only be used once per turn, and you can only equip 1 monster at a time to this card). The ATK and DEF of this card become the same amounts as the monster equipped to this card. If this card is destroyed as a result of battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead.
Spirit Burner is a equip spell card, it may not be used during your opponents turn. Only quick play spells (indicated by a lightning bolt) may be used then.
The effect of "Relinquished" is as follows: Select 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field and equip it to this card (this effect can only be used once per turn and you can only equip 1 monster at a time to this card). The ATK and DEF of this card become the same amounts as the monster equipped to this card. If this card is destroyed as a result of battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead, and any battle damage you received from the battle is also inflicted to your opponent's Life Points.The first effect of "Relinquished" has some guidelines.You must have an open Spell/ Trap card zone for the selected monster to put the monster in.If you choose to equip a face-down monster to "Relinquished", "Relinquished" gains no ATK or DEF."Relinquished" only gains the ATK and DEF of the monster, not its effects.If you choose to equip a monster to "Relinquished" and on that same turn the equipped monster is removed from the field, you must wait until your next turn to equip another monster due to the "once per turn" restriction listed in the card.This effect can only be activated during the Main Phase 1 or 2 of your turn.As for calculating damage when a monster is equipped to "Relinquished", keep in mind these few things:Damage to your Life Points are calculated before inflicting Effect Damage to your opponent. This means if your Life Points are brought down to 0 because of an attack, the duel ends before "Relinquished"'s effect kicks in.If this card attacks a defense position monster with a higher DEF than this card's ATK, your opponent will take Effect Damage because of "Relinquished"'s effect, but since it "Relinquished" would not be destroyed in battle, the equipped monster remains.
Select 1 monster your opponent controls and equip it to Relinquished (this effect can only be used once per turn, and you can only equip 1 monster at a time to this card). The ATK and DEF of Relinquished becomes the same as the monster equipped to it. If Relinquished should be destroyed by battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead, and any battle damage you would receive from that battle is inflicted to your opponent's Life Points.
I assume you mean Ritual Summon, as Relinquished can't be summoned by tribute summon. Once Relinquished is on the field, you as the turn player have Priority, you can start a chain by targeting an opponent's monster with its Ignition Effect. The opponent is free to chain to this as normal. If it resolves properly, Relinquished will be equipped. You can ask to enter the battle phase, but remember the opponent doesn't have to let the phase pass if he's got something he wants to use, so he can use something to possibly destroy Relinquished first. So basically, you can certainly summon Relinquished, and on its first turn (not THE first turn, of course, no attacks can be declared) , steal a monster and attack, but not 'immediately' in the sense that the opponent gets chance to respond to every part of the process.
no, it's a normal magic card, you can only use it when it's your turn.
I assume you mean 'Ritual Summon'. 'Immediately' is a poor term to use in Yu-Gi-Oh as it implies some kind of rush to do something before it is no longer allowed - everything has a correct 'timing' but they rarely conflict. I will outline a valid turn that uses Relinquished, to show what it can do. In Main Phase 1, the turn player plays Black Illusion Ritual. If it is not negated, Relinquished is placed on the field. Now the summon can be responded to, Relinquished can use his absorption effect here. The opponent can chain to this, but if the effect is not negated or the target lost, then the target will be equipped to Relinquished. Destroying Relinquished in response will not save the target, it will end up in the graveyard anyway, even though Relinquished has already left the field. The turn player can then declare he wishes to proceed to the battle phase. If the opponent has nothing he wants to activate, then the battle phase is entered. Relinquished can now declare an attack, which can be responded to as normal.
As Destiny Hero - Plasma's equip effect is a "Once Per Turn" effect, yes it can, and the existing monster is destroyed.
Yes, you can activate Torrential Tribute whenever a monster is summoned. Here's a hint you can also activate on your turn to destroy your opponents monsters.
Yes the ultimate tyranno must attack all the opponents monster considered legal targets. This will consume all the monsters attack power for that turn so the attack cannot be directed to the player's life in the same turn.
The effect he uses to destroy a monster, is an Ignition Effect, so can only be used in your own turns, in your main phases. However his counter-adding effect will add counters in either turn.
The different types of alien monsters are... Alien skull: 1600 atk, 1800 def, 4 star, effect is can be special summoned on opponents side of the field with one A counter on him by sacrificing an opponents lvl 3 or lower monster. Alien grey:300 atk, 80 def, 2 star, Flip add 1 A counter to an opponents monster, and when destroyed by battle draw one card. Alien hunter:1600 atk, 800 def, 4 star When alien hunter destroys a monster with an A counter on it he gets to attack again. Alien warrior:1800 atk 1000 def 4 star, When destroyed place two A counters on monster that destroyed him. Alien Infiltrator:800 atk 500 def, 2 star, When there are no monsters, spells or traps directly across from him he can attack directly, and he can change what monster slot he is in. Alien Shocktrooper:1900 atk, 900 def, 4 star, No effect, but 1900 atack 4 star. Alien psychic:200 atk, 100 def, 1 star, Effect is all opponents monsters with a counters can't attack. Alien Mother:2300 atk, 1200 def, 6 star, Effect is when she kills an opponents monster that has an A couner on it that monster becomes yours at end of battle phase. Note: Following cards are not alien, but are alien related. Flying saucer Muusuk'i:1200 atk, 2000 def, Instead of drawing a card you can look through your deck for an alien and add to your hand. A cell breeding device:Continues spell: During each of your standby phases place an A counter on an opponents monster. Crop circles:Trap: Destroy any amount of monsters on your side of the field, add together there stars and special summon an alien from your deck with that many stars. If you cannot, take 2000 damage. A corruption cell: Spell: Place one A counter on an opponents monster. Cosmic horrer Gangliel:2600 atk 2000 def, Place one A counter on an opponents monster each turn. Orbital bombardment: Trap, Destroy an alien on your side of the field to destroy an opponents spell or trap card. Otherworld the A zone: Field card, Whenever an opponents monster battles one of your aliens your opponents monster loses 300 atk and def during battle phase only. Note: Whenever an alien battles an opponents monster with an A counter on it your opponents monster loses 300 atk and def for every A counter on them during damage step only. Note: There are other aliens, but I dont have them yet.
it is now your opponents turn
The 'once more' bit is restricting you to using this effect once only in a turn. Even if she destroys another monster with her next attack, she cannot declare a third attack.