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In each game, there is only one master ball obtainable. However, you can get more master balls with an Action Replay device, or by hacking the game, or by trading over a Pokemon holding a master ball from another game.

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Q: Can I only get 1 master ball in Pokemon Diamond?
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How many master balls in Pokemon Diamond?

There is only one Master ball in Pokemon diamond so use it wisely. I hope you can find it!

Can you get more master ball in Pokemon Diamond?

No u can only have 1 master ball in Pokemon diamond. it is almost completely only made for dialga. but you can as well use it for mesprit or cresselia. they r not sold in pokemmarts.

On pokermon diamond were do you get master balls from?

you can only get 1 master ball in Pokemon diamond ,at spear pillar right before you fight dialga

Where are all the master balls in Pokemon Diamond?

There is only one master ball in Pokemon diamond. But there is a cheat for getting a WHOLE lot more. Look it up at how do you get 98 master balls? I don't know where the master ball is I think it's in a team galatic headquarters.

How good is Park Ball in Pokemon diamond?

Only for Pal Park. They act like Master Balls.

How can you find lots of master ball in Pokemon diamond?

You can only get lots of master balls by using a cheat/code. There is only one or two in the actual game

Is there a way to get more than one master ball in Pokemon diamond?

no the only one u can get is the one from Cyrus

Is there more than one master ball in pokemon pearl?

No. You can only get one master ball. But you can get one from a friend or if you have a GBA game like emerald, leafgreen, ruby like those and have a master ball on your GBA save make a Pokemon hold it then in pearl or diamond go to Pal Park and choose the Pokemon with the master ball and 5 others from your box capture all of the Pokemon then you will have theMaster Ball

When on Pokemon diamond do you get Dialga?

There is a point in the game where you must battle Dialga. You may catch it at this point, but only if you have a master ball. No other ball can catch it.

How do you get another masterball in Pokemon diamond after you already used yours without trading?

The only way to get another master ball in Pokemon dimond whithout cheating is by giving a Pokemon a master ball as an item in another game and trading that Pokemon to your Pokemon dimond game and take the master ball then you can use it. Or you can get an action replay at for $20.00 and find the master ball cheat for it then you can get lots of master balls all the time it realy works try it.

In Pokemon and diamond can you get another master ball after you use the one you were given to catch the legendary Pokemon?

u can only get another one by trading wiv a friend.

How do you get a master ball in the lotery in Pokemon Pearl version?

You receive a master ball in the lottery in both Pokemon pearl and diamond by having a Pokemon with a matching ID to that of the lottery (which changes). But the catch is the lottery number is only going to be an ID from a traded Pokemon. So TRADE TRADE TRADE!