A timer ball in ruby? i thought that was only diamond and pearl!?
you cant get a timer ball in emerald
I'd say a dusk ball or a timer ball
Rustboro city, where else...
ummm i think you can find it on two island...
there is no master ball in diamond and also great ball. but there is silver ball-silver ball is like a master ball.
u can buy it in a pokemart
Well, if you mean to say that if they hold a timer ball while facing a wild Pokemon, then they will catch them automatically, the answer is no. If you give a ball to a Pokemon to hold, it becomes completely useless until you take it back.So the answer is no
you cant get a timer ball in emerald
yes you can!
I'd say a dusk ball or a timer ball
with a master ball or timer ball
the best way to catch darkia is to use dusk balls or wait 10 or 15 turns and use a timer ball
you get the timer ball by going to a pokemart in a pokecenter and go to the guy on the left and he gives you pokeballs or letters
brug timer ball
Go into the groudon cave and beat team magma. and then catch groudon with ultra ball or timer ball.
I believe you are refering to a 'timer ball'. A timer ball is a special ball, that, after ever ten turns in battle, the chance of catching the Pokemon increases.(Note: This information is from Serebii.net)