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Yes you can but it depends on a move though. If you look at it it should say a little description below the move. (If you had lucario he can attack bench Pokemon but doesn't apply weakness or resistance)

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Q: Can I attack Pokemon on the bench?
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Can you use poke powers on the bench in Pokemon tcg?

Yes, they can, unless the card itself says it has to be active. Here's an example: "Once during your turn, when (Pokemon's name) is your active Pokemon you may..." This indicates that the Poke-Power cannot be used while in bench.

What is special attack in Pokemon?

Special Attack determines the amount of damage dealt from a move that is in the Special category of attacks. An example of a special attack would be Bubblebeam. If an attack is in the special category, it means that it is an attack in which your Pokemon's body does not make physical contact with the other Pokemon. Example: Tackle would be a physical attack, because your Pokemon charges at your opponent's Pokemon, which makes them physically contact, while Bubblebeam is projected from a Pokemon's mouth, so your Pokemon does not physically touch your opponent's Pokemon. Special Defense deals with how much protection you get from Special category moves.

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It is a attack type from a Bug type

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deoxys in attack form