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Yes because i have one and it knows surf

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Q: Can Dratini Learn Surf on Soul Silver?
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Can dratini learn surf?

It can.

Where can you get a dratini in soul silver?

If you go into the Dragon's Den and surf around, or use a Good Rod, you might get one.

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How do you catch dratini in soul silver?

You can surf in the Dragon's Den, or you can answer the Clair's grandfather's questions and come back later with an empty slot in your party. He will then give you a Dratini (the Dratini will know ExtremeSpeed if you answer all his questions correctly.)

Can the Pokemon chikorita learn surf in soul silver?

No, Chikorita is a grass type pokemon.

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Bibarel he can learn waterfall, strenght, surf, rock smash, rock climb,

Where do you find dragonair in soul silver?

You go to the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City. And before you go to the shrine, there is water that you can surf on. That water has dratini in them. Catch the dratini and train it to level 30. There you have a dragonair. Then, to level 55 and it becomes a dragonite. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR you can go get super rod. But I think you get it in Kanto, so...

How do you get your Pokemon to learn surf in Pokemon soul silver?

you get surf in the ecruteak dance theatre after you beat the team rocket grunt,then the guy with a psyduck give you it.all water types except foe magikarp can learn it

Where is the embended tower in soul silver?

its on the way to the safari zone (the new one) you need to learn surf and rock climb so you can go there.

When can ferarigator will learn surf in Pokemon silver?

Feraligatr doesn't learn Surf on its own. You need to give it a HM that contains Surf.

Where do you find a dratini on Pokemon silver?

First you have to go into Dragon's den behind the eighth gym in jhoto. go down the latter and into the water. Surf around and a wild dratini will show up.