Yes, BAYLEEF, can be bred with DITTO.
actually, DITTO can virtually breed with any Pokemon excluding legendary Pokemon
Anything you brend with a Ditto will the baby evo of whatever you bred Ditto with. So you would get a Cyndaquil.
Yes, any of Eevee's evolutions and a ditto can be bred for an Eevee egg.
You can find a Ditto egg in the Lab, in the Shelter, in the Egg Supplier. Sadly, Dittos can't be bred.
if its a girl it will be a piplup if its a boy its whatever Pokemon its breeding with unless its a ditto
A pokémon's ability is determined upon hatching. Also, a pokémon has a 80% chance of having its mother's ability, unless they are being bred with Ditto.
Anything you brend with a Ditto will the baby evo of whatever you bred Ditto with. So you would get a Cyndaquil.
No it will hatch into the starter you bred ditto with.
Yes, any of Eevee's evolutions and a ditto can be bred for an Eevee egg.
yes must be bred with Ditto
Only a Manaphy can be bred to make a Phione, all others can't be bred :(
You can find a Ditto egg in the Lab, in the Shelter, in the Egg Supplier. Sadly, Dittos can't be bred.
Yes, as long as the father is Stoutland. The mother will be Ditto and even though the mother is the child (same Pokemon), Ditto's cannot be bred.
Latias cannot be bred, which is the case for most legendary Pokemon.
No, Latios cannot be bred.
put the Pokemon you want to breed and ditto in the daycare together and after a while there will be an egg. when you hatch the egg it will be the Pokemon you put in with ditto in its smallest form (ex. if you put charizard in with ditto you will get a charmander from the egg)